Need some time with my daughter and our Jeep

Jeep du Boy

New member
I work with kids. I damn near live with 60 boys day in day out. Teaching, training and mentoring and Leading. When I see the light bulb go ON it is an amazing thing!

But dang it, some days it's like banging your head into a concrete wall. I fear for theses boys (and my daughter) with what the future may bring. Despair hits me for a few and then I push through it. Faith is restored.

Chaos is coming and if our young men and women have been taught about Honor, Character, Trust and Love, then we will be OK.
Those that have not, will not make it.

I have also been thinking, which is most important? To me it is Love. There must be trust, you must have character, you must have honor to have Love. And if the love is True, no obstacle can stop you.

Sorry, tough night. I fear I am losing a battle with one of these boys, and I fear for his future. But I will drive on, lead by example and at the end of a long day, look at my family, our jeep, my rum and coke, then faith and hope is restored.
Yes I run, manage and train 60 boys. Ages 12-19. Usually they are pretty good, but sometimes they screw up. Then I get to inform their parents. One boy is deliberately sabotaging his parents decision, and it's about to bury him. He has also lied when directly questioned about a bunch of things. Then some of my good kids screwed up, and it just ended up as a really long bummer of a day.

My work schedule is 115-120 hours every two weeks. Long hours can really pile up.

I do look forward to a good trail, a cold adult beverage and most importantly, time with my daughter.

Clem, I agree. Great assessment.
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