New to EJS 2014


New member
Hi all

I am headed to EJS 2014 as a newbie .

I have a 2007 Unlimited with teraflex 2.5 coil lift with control arms and trackbars and 34" TSR.
Competent driver

We have signed up for trails rated a 3 (copper ridge)the first day, 4 (elephant hill) the next and 5 (flat iron mesa) the next
I don't really want to risk body damage or a flop / roll.

Am I in over my head???
I figured if I was no good at the 4 I could skip the 5 and just sight see.

Of the three listed I have only been on Elephant Hill. It's not a difficult run at all. The start looks a little hairy at first blush (because of the exposure of the switchbacks) but it truly isn't bad from a technical standpoint. While it's been a few years since I have run it, I'd feel pretty confident taking a stock Rubi through it. It's worth the drive too. It's a beautiful run with a lot of different things to see. :thumb:

Just make sure not to blow out your transfer case linkage on the last switchback platform (yes Clarsen, I'm talking to you brother!:beer: ).
Make sure you fill up your gas tank before you head out to Elephant Hill. From Moab, it's a long drive there and back. You can get gas before entering the park and it's a good idea to top off your tank. Gas is expensive there.
Hi all

I am headed to EJS 2014 as a newbie .

I have a 2007 Unlimited with teraflex 2.5 coil lift with control arms and trackbars and 34" TSR.
Competent driver

We have signed up for trails rated a 3 (copper ridge)the first day, 4 (elephant hill) the next and 5 (flat iron mesa) the next
I don't really want to risk body damage or a flop / roll.

Am I in over my head???
I figured if I was no good at the 4 I could skip the 5 and just sight see.


Man u will be fine....nothing to worry about. Ur going to have time of ur life. My second time in a row.
you'll be fine on those trails ..x2 on the fuel, always leave with a full tank...

Also, Moab can be pretty dusty and depending on what type of air filter you have, I would recommend a pre-filter if you're running a CAI, I also recommend taking an extra air filter to have a nice clean one for the drive home.

I have a CAI with an oil filter but for Moab I run the non-oil version with a pre-filter, makes it easier to remove and clean each night. When it's time to go home I put the still clean oil filter back in and no worries.

pack some coats, the night temps drop and get pretty cool this time of year.
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