New member
Damn I didn’t realize I was in the presence of Jeep gods here. Y’all are fucking douchebags on this site. Your right it was just a “gravel road” there was no mud because you are the only one that has been in the real “mud” before fella. All I did was ask a question and was hoping for some insight , but no let’s bash someone because they don’t know everything. Thanks for your time , I know keeps gods are busy working on real problems..
C'mon man. Your understanding of the issue is a secondary consideration to getting this looked at by the dealer right away. What you're doing right now is the equivalent of waking up to a giant, festering tumor on your arm and instead of going directly to the doctor, going to a medical forum to understand what it is first. Just get to the dealer right away. I'm curious what the issue is, please update this once you know something.