Our Jeeping Trip to Ouray, July 2016

Awesome. I've been fortunate enough to make it to most of those places in 2013 and will be there again this Tuesday! Personally I thought Wagner gulch that goes to Carson was a pretty fun run. So on Poughkeepsie Gulch, was that the obstacle all the trail books talk about? It doesn't look that bad.
Awesome, thanks for sharing. Looks like a lot of fun.

Sweet! Great pics man. Hoping to do those trails myself in the next year.

Great Pics!....thanks for sharing. Excellent Job on the Video as well...Great Piloting

That's a great line you picked going up the wall on Poughkeepsie. And without lockers! Nicely done sir!

Nice pics. You need to move out here.

Awesome. I miss that Colorado.

Fuuuuck. Houston blows. Everytime I go to SW CO or see pics it makes me jealous. I like to think I would be in those mountains every weekend if i lived there.

Awesome pics and trip though. We will be there in 13ish months.

Looks like a great trip thanks for sharing!!

Awesome trip and awesome shots!! :thumb:

Thanks everyone. It was beautiful out there, and I recommend it. It's not hardcore wheeling, but it's something to see, especially for a flat lander like me. Sorry to spread the pics out, but my computer went berserk.
Did you do any mine tours or anything like that?

No. We ran out of time. The only other thing we did, besides run trails, was to go to Mesa Verde, the first full day we were in Colorado. Fun Treks says the tour outside of Silverton on Hwy 2 is good.
No. We ran out of time. The only other thing we did, besides run trails, was to go to Mesa Verde, the first full day we were in Colorado. Fun Treks says the tour outside of Silverton on Hwy 2 is good.

Ah. We have done the mill just north of Silverton. I cant find the name online but the tram cables overhead across the road. We also did Old Hundred Gold Mine tour also north of Silverton near Eureka. Both are a blast.
The wall at poughkeepsie is pretty easy. No lockers needed, just pick a good line. I watched several people winch up for no reason - other than a bad spotter. I walked up it with no lockers without issue. Then a guy (being a bit of an ass and show off) ran up and down both sides including in reverse to show his group how easy it is. Despite it being dumb, it did prove the point that its not the obstacle but more the driver.
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