Possible rear main seal leak - slipping clutch


So, I've got a 2013 6-speed with 3.73s on 35s with less than 15k miles on it.

It has had a slow leak from day one (I got it brand new) that looks like it is coming from inside the bell housing.

I have been telling my dealer ever since I saw the leak the first time that it was an issue and they just clean up the oil and send me on my way telling everything is cool (which pisses me off but I say fuck it, it's under warranty and it will get bad enough that they will have to take care of it).

Well, now it's gotten to that point and I am not taking no for an answer on the leak when I take it in there tomorrow.

My bigger concern is that it feels like my clutch is starting to give way now too. Which I know a leaky RMS can lead to oil soaking into the clutch and causing premature failure and since I have been telling these jokers since basically day 1 that there was a leak that looks like the RMS and they have just blown me off I am going to lose my effing mind when I have to end up replacing the clutch myself.

What do you guys think the odds are that I get them to do the clutch while they are in there replacing the RMS?


2013 CG JKU 6-speed
It shouldnt be any big deal for them to replace it when the transmission is out anyways. Its a wearable item but it was damaged because of something that is covered under warranty. It will just make a bigger warranty claim but the dealer really shouldnt argue with you. Chrysler will be the one paying the bill, not the dealership. It all comes down to customer satisfaction as well. If they dont help you out, you can kill them on the survey. The advisors get paid based off them. I work for a Mercedes Benz dealer and we will do just about anything to keep the customer happy, even if it means we (the dealer) pay for parts or labor ourselves.
It shouldnt be any big deal for them to replace it when the transmission is out anyways. Its a wearable item but it was damaged because of something that is covered under warranty. It will just make a bigger warranty claim but the dealer really shouldnt argue with you. Chrysler will be the one paying the bill, not the dealership. It all comes down to customer satisfaction as well. If they dont help you out, you can kill them on the survey. The advisors get paid based off them. I work for a Mercedes Benz dealer and we will do just about anything to keep the customer happy, even if it means we (the dealer) pay for parts or labor ourselves.

That's how I see it, but it so hard telling when you are dealing with some of these dealerships. You've at least given me some hope! Haha!


2013 CG JKU 6-speed
Took it in yesterday and they have seriously replaced their ENTIRE staff in the last 6 months, because they were all that horrible. My service writer made it sound like they fucked up by not fixing the leak at 500 miles the first time I alerted them to it and it sounds like they will take care of the clutch while they're in there too.

We'll see, I have to take it in a week from Monday (their service department is that backed up).


2013 CG JKU 6-speed
Took it in yesterday and they have seriously replaced their ENTIRE staff in the last 6 months, because they were all that horrible. My service writer made it sound like they fucked up by not fixing the leak at 500 miles the first time I alerted them to it and it sounds like they will take care of the clutch while they're in there too.

We'll see, I have to take it in a week from Monday (their service department is that backed up).


2013 CG JKU 6-speed

Well that sounds promising. Hope it all gets taken care of. Can you post up a pic that itemizes the parts billed out when it's all done? Just curious how much a clutch will cost me. I know it will be at warranty cost on your bill but I get employee pricing on parts.
Had mine tob and clutch and slave cylinder replaced around 12k all under warranty. It was leaking from the slit in the bell housing plate, and made a squeak. It since has started to squeak again, but no leaks and I do not intend on fixing it until the clutch goes. I'm at 80k roughly now. No issues other than the occasional chatter from the clutch fingers.
Well that sounds promising. Hope it all gets taken care of. Can you post up a pic that itemizes the parts billed out when it's all done? Just curious how much a clutch will cost me. I know it will be at warranty cost on your bill but I get employee pricing on parts.

Yeah man. For sure, will do.

Had mine tob and clutch and slave cylinder replaced around 12k all under warranty. It was leaking from the slit in the bell housing plate, and made a squeak. It since has started to squeak again, but no leaks and I do not intend on fixing it until the clutch goes. I'm at 80k roughly now. No issues other than the occasional chatter from the clutch fingers.

I hope they don't give me any crap when I do go take it in. I don't really foresee it happening, but I'm still kinda stressed out about it.


2013 CG JKU 6-speed
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