Random Internet Shit you've come across

Public service announcement !!
Important health advice we need to share with our wives and girl friends.
"And alarmingly, the reverse phenomenon was seen in men—those who had the most sex were almost most at risk of early death—experts behind the study added"
Damn, I should have been dead at 35?
Don't know the status of our rover in 2025 on the moon but 56 years ago we totally landed and walked around on the moon.

And drove an electric dune buggy, golfed, etc., I don’t know.

I haven’t been much of a conspiracy theorist during my lifetime but I’m pretty much one now. I am questioning a lot of things I always took as fact. However, I still believe the earth is round. Haha
And drove an electric dune buggy, golfed, etc., I don’t know.

I haven’t been much of a conspiracy theorist during my lifetime but I’m pretty much one now. I am questioning a lot of things I always took as fact. However, I still believe the earth is round. Haha
If you live towards the center of Texas, driving out of Texas takes so damn long it makes you question if other states really exist and when you get to the state line, if the 37's are a big enough tire to handle the drop off the edge of earth
But did we?
And drove an electric dune buggy, golfed, etc., I don’t know.

I haven’t been much of a conspiracy theorist during my lifetime but I’m pretty much one now. I am questioning a lot of things I always took as fact. However, I still believe the earth is round. Haha
I didn’t realize anyone still believed we went there.
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