Random Internet Shit you've come across



Is this OK to post a link to Northridge? It's a giveaway, and hey even if you love KMC's this would be a serious score.
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Biden turns to country with documented child labor issues for green energy mineral supplies.​

"Many children we spoke to told us that they were frequently ill. Inhaling cobalt dust can cause hard metal lung disease — a potentially fatal condition," a 2016 Amnesty International report stated. "Skin contact with cobalt can cause dermatitis — a chronic rash. Yet the children and other miners have neither masks nor gloves to protect them."

"The children told us that they endured long hours — up to 12 hours a day — working at the mines hauling back-breaking loads of between 20 and 40kg for US$1-2 per day," it continued. "Many had nothing to eat all day. Fourteen-year-old Paul, who began mining aged 12 and worked underground, told us he would often ‘spend 24 hours down in the tunnels. I arrived in the morning and would leave the following morning.’"

"Overall, about 40,000 children are believed to work in mines in southern DRC, according to UNICEF."

These cocksuckers give absolutely no fucks about who or how many they kill to force you into an EV, fucking disgusting.
They are mad because everyone went to solar and now SDGE are barely making any money. Hell, our electric bill is only $20-$50 at most and that’s with 6 people in the house. Something is always running at our house. TVs (2-3), computers (2), the kids gaming, lights.
They are mad because everyone went to solar and now SDGE are barely making any money. Hell, our electric bill is only $20-$50 at most and that’s with 6 people in the house. Something is always running at our house. TVs (2-3), computers (2), the kids gaming, lights.
Of course they did this after they mandated solar on all new construction.
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