Random Internet Shit you've come across

Ok I did it… and survived. Unfortunately I did it when she just came home from work and was jamming in the kitchen since we were going to her parents house for dinner. She just gave me the deer in headlights look, told me to shut up, and went on a rant on how awesome she was when I was in the military and she held down the fort, managed 2 rugrats and had dinner ready when I got home. Hard to argue there. She didn’t physically kill me, but she definitely made me feel like an asshole for about half a second. Definitely doing a rerun when she’s all spooled up and pissed. Stay tuned. 🤣
Edit: also, when she didn’t get pissed after I said it, I repeated it and told her to make me a sammich…
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Ok I did it… and survived. Unfortunately I did it when she just came home from work and was jamming in the kitchen since we were going to her parents house for dinner. She just gave me the deer in headlights look, told me to shut up, and went on a rant on how awesome she was when I was in the military and she held down the fort, managed 2 rugrats and had dinner ready when I got home. Hard to argue there. She didn’t physically kill me, but she definitely made me feel like an asshole for about half a second. Definitely doing a rerun when she’s all spooled up and pissed. Stay tuned. 🤣
Edit: also, when she didn’t get pissed after I said it, I repeated it and told her to make me a sammich…
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