Random Internet Shit you've come across

When you read up on the Obama/Biden actions regarding the Ukraine its pretty shocking. There is way more to it than most Americans realize and much of the background is open source, it just takes a little effort to understand. Once again the American Taxpayer is being played for fools by the ‘elite’. Mike Lee touches on it but Biden is not the main recipient- he’s simply the least sophisticated of the thieves.
I’ve done some reading into Blackrock and the war, seems like they’re making money during and after it. Also read that Larry Fink went to school for political science originally… Guess he figured out a way to be in politics without being in politics.
Looks like another $20B is heading out the door… I wonder how much of it will be heading to Brandon’s pocket

I have friends from Ukraine whose parents are still there, with all the billions sent the local citizens are still being asked to contribute to buy bullet proof vests, clothing for the soldiers and ammo.

The amount of money being embezzled from the top down is unbelievable; they told me some of the troops are going without because their "leaders" claim there is no money to supply them.

I hope some group is tracking the money and the chain of command on the money so then this ends, they can track the "leaders" that now have vacation villas in other countries.
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