Rausch Creek 10/03/15

As Andrew (noroad) mentioned... The weather isn't looking great.

While it's really too soon to know for sure Saturday is backed by bad weather as well, so the pattern is sure to impact the day. Notice, it will also be much cooler than it has been. Sadly, it looks like it's time to get the jackets out :naw:

Thanks to those bringing tents/pop-ups for the parking lot party/barbecue.

Tremont, PA (17981) 10 Day Weather Forecast - weather.png
Please be at RC.... and ready to roll by 8:30 (SHARP). Large groups always loose time getting rolling no one wants to loose half the day in the parking lot.

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If Saturday rolls around and there is more than a 30% chance of rain I will be keeping my doors and top on. No sense in getting a cold this early in fall.
Half doors are coming with. Might leave the top up if it rains, windows are debatable depending on how hard it rains. I believe someone already answered this to the negative, but will the difficulty level at Rausch drastically increase for a given trail with this week's rain? Redbird, Drummond, and Badlands were different parks dry than wet.

Starting to not regret the cabin instead of tent decision! :rock:
Half doors are coming with. Might leave the top up if it rains, windows are debatable depending on how hard it rains. I believe someone already answered this to the negative, but will the difficulty level at Rausch drastically increase for a given trail with this week's rain? Redbird, Drummond, and Badlands were different parks dry than wet.

Starting to not regret the cabin instead of tent decision! :rock:

Some trails yes, some no. Andrew and I have been spit-balling Crawl Daddy and Affliction. Both likely will be a no go with rain. The greens and blues see more effects of rain than the blacks and reds as they are more dirt and less rock. Still, the park is pretty stable reguardless of weather.
And my friend that is coming is questionable now. His father is in bad health and it all depends if it's a good or bad day for him. Playing it by ear
Well it's still to early to tell but reports are popping up about this hurricane in the Bahamas hitting us. Hopefully everyone shows up rain or shine and we don't get washed out
Well it's still to early to tell but reports are popping up about this hurricane in the Bahamas hitting us. Hopefully everyone shows up rain or shine and we don't get washed out

With an 8 hour drive and Vacation time in use.... We will be there and make the most of it. :yup:

Everyone just needs to plan to have a strap on the back of your rig and on the ready in the parking lot. Leaders should have a winch and followers should have a connection point prepped for a tug when needed. If it's raining no one wants to stand outside and get soaked while someone finds their recovery gear and gets it ready.
Well it's still to early to tell but reports are popping up about this hurricane in the Bahamas hitting us. Hopefully everyone shows up rain or shine and we don't get washed out

I've been looking forward to this for a long time and have no plans on backing out. I'm hoping others are thinking the same way. For sure I want everyone to be safe and safety is first so we'll need to keep close eyes on the weather. At this point it looks like it's going to be rain, not ideal but still doable.
I will be riding with steve for the day :thumb:

I did throw my stock wheels on the grand...but hemi issues made it so the brakes dont clear a 17" wheel :grayno:
Bumping this up... Looks like we are in need of a green leader :yup:

If we can't find a true leader for the green group, has anyone in the green group been to Rausch before? I really have no idea other than the videos on YouTube. I'm sure we're capable of leading our way but it would be nice if someone knew the trails a bit so we don't get into any real trouble. I for one don't want to drive into a puddle that looks like it's 3in deep and find that it's 4 feet deep, none of us want to be that guy/girl.. [emoji12] just curious. Thanks
If we can't find a true leader for the green group, has anyone in the green group been to Rausch before? I really have no idea other than the videos on YouTube. I'm sure we're capable of leading our way but it would be nice if someone knew the trails a bit so we don't get into any real trouble. I for one don't want to drive into a puddle that looks like it's 3in deep and find that it's 4 feet deep, none of us want to be that guy/girl.. [emoji12] just curious. Thanks

There are several in the group that have RC experience.

I would recommend the app Maplets to anyone. You can download the RC maps and it will track your GPS location. (It actually puts a blue dot on the map where you are.) It is very handy and what we use.
I'll be up this weekend. Saturday taking the gfs jk on green trails but Sunday the silver fox is hitting up some black trails !! Hopefully kick shoot the moons ass but the rain always makes it more difficult
There are several in the group that have RC experience.

I would recommend the app Maplets to anyone. You can download the RC maps and it will track your GPS location. (It actually puts a blue dot on the map where you are.) It is very handy and what we use.

I'll apologize in advance for not stepping up here. I just don't feel comfortable enough to lead a group with the ferocity, vigor and confidence of those who are more familiar with the trails and have much more experience than I do.
I'll apologize in advance for not stepping up here. I just don't feel comfortable enough to lead a group with the ferocity, vigor and confidence of those who are more familiar with the trails and have much more experience than I do.

LOL, absolutely no need to apologize. It will not be a good experience if you are not comfortable. We want you to have a good time. :yup:
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