Regear or lift first


New member
I,m stock currently going to 35 tires my question is how important is it to regear can I wait a few months so I can do a 2.5 inch lift or should I go ahead and regear and do lift later? Should I try to do gears myself or is it a touchy job i'm not a mechanic by any means. And lastly do I need to do front and rear gears?
Yes you do need to do both front and rear. You need to have a shop do it. It is touchy. I would do the lift first and see if you need to regear after that.
I suggest the lift and tires first. Then determine what ratio you want/need. :yup:
Lift first, then tires. Drive for awhile and see if you want to regear. There is no real time frame. It's up to you on how you feel about how your Jeep drives and preforms.
Your profile states you have a 2011. Is it an auto or manual? I have a 2011 JKUS on 35's running 3.73 gears and does OK not spectacular. I have a manual and have limited use of 6th gear. What gears are you currently running?

I have an 08 jku and I ran it for three years on 33 and 35s before I regeared. It's not needed but you will be glad you did when you do.
Ok then whats the time frame to regear? can i wait 6 months?

Yes you can wait 6 months and it's what I did. Do your lift and tires and drive around on the stock gears. Not will make you appreciate your new gears when you drop that money on them.
It's an auto and stock gears I think I will take everyone's advice put 35's on stock rims for now and do a 2.5 lift then in 6 months regear. Thanks for all the help
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