show your sunrise/sunset pictures


New member
Being I get up early every day and catch some amazing sunrises over here, I thought this thread would be fun.
So heres a kinda blury one to start.. its lady liberty and I was stopped on a bridge that would not stop bouncing..
Lets see yours!


  • ForumRunner_20121228_163017.png
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Thanks! It was a rare situation not only because of the weather and clouds, but the reservoir was very low this fall because it was so dry here this summer and fall. I could walk right out to an island that is normally, well, and island! So I will probably not get this vantage point again.

Here's a sunrise, same reservoir.


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Gulf Of Mexico Sunsets

Sunset pictures taken on drilling rig 100 miles off the coast of Louisiana :thumb:
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Shot this out of the window from my then stock Jeep running down old South Las Vegas Bvld on the way to my first real run up Devils Canyon with the War Machines.

This was to show off my rock lights. The sun is barely left but I think it counts.
A little bit of pretty from Texas... Given it was take on my 4S while moving at highway speeds, I can't complain too much...
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