The building of knuckles

Sorry mike I don't mean to derail your thread :crazyeyes:but how long did it take to paint your diff covers? I just ordered one and I'm debating painting it all black or color matching the spyder.
Sorry mike I don't mean to derail your thread :crazyeyes:but how long did it take to paint your diff covers? I just ordered one and I'm debating painting it all black or color matching the spyder.

LOL! This thread has been derailed so many times I didn't think anyone noticed. :cheesy:

I didn't time it, but my best guess? Maybe an hour or so. Not including the drying time between coats. The hardest part was taping it off. There was probably a better way to do it but I used painters tape over all the black part I didn't want to paint, scuffed up the spider with some sand paper and then used color matched spray paint. I've seen some people that have done a much better job than I did, but I do not know if they did anything different.
This thread never ceases to amaze me. Gonna be a crazy week. Just an FYI I bought my Adams shaft 18000 miles ago and you know the malls I cruise around at.... He will also give you a discount for certain stickers that you have on your rig as well and will take care of any issue that you may have with them pretty quick. Can't speak enough good things about them. Both of mine were custom made and I think I paid less than 800.00
This thread never ceases to amaze me. Gonna be a crazy week. Just an FYI I bought my Adams shaft 18000 miles ago and you know the malls I cruise around at.... He will also give you a discount for certain stickers that you have on your rig as well and will take care of any issue that you may have with them pretty quick. Can't speak enough good things about them. Both of mine were custom made and I think I paid less than 800.00

1310? Or 1350?
LOL! This thread has been derailed so many times I didn't think anyone noticed. :cheesy:

I didn't time it, but my best guess? Maybe an hour or so. Not including the drying time between coats. The hardest part was taping it off. There was probably a better way to do it but I used painters tape over all the black part I didn't want to paint, scuffed up the spider with some sand paper and then used color matched spray paint. I've seen some people that have done a much better job than I did, but I do not know if they did anything different.

Hey Mike next time you want to do something like that spray the whole cover in what color you want the spyder. Once it has dried cover the spyder in grease (i used wheel bearing) then spray the rest of the cove rthe other color (sorry I'm Canadian) colour you want. When that has dried just wipe of the grease and you are good to go. I hope I explained that right, it sounds good in my head.
Hey Mike next time you want to do something like that spray the whole cover in what color you want the spyder. Once it has dried cover the spyder in grease (i used wheel bearing) then spray the rest of the cove rthe other color (sorry I'm Canadian) colour you want. When that has dried just wipe of the grease and you are good to go. I hope I explained that right, it sounds good in my head.

You Canadians are pretty crafty, eh?

Maybe I could have just done the part wanted left black in grease and then paint it white, thus eliminating a step. ;)
I've had an annoying rubbing sound that has been coming from the rear of my jeep for a while. I thought the new axles would fix it buy it didn't. So last night I pulled everything apart and determined it was the parking brake rubbing on the inside of the rotors. ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1367430086.857809.jpg

At least I'm 51.328% sure that is it. So tonight I am going to attempt to adjust the parking brake pads just a hair to see if I can't get it to stop. If that doesn't work, I'm gonna need a speaker upgrade. :cheesy:
hope that fixes it. If not, I am certain that a nice set of ALPINE speakers all the way around will do the trick, maybe even a nice AMP under the seat.
MTG - If you would ever change that blinker fluid you've been talking about for weeks it might fix the problem.

*** Highjack Alert ***

I stopped by the Stealership today to see how my Jeep was coming:thinking:. The service writer tried to tell me I was going to have to pay for the repairs :doh: because I have aftermarket driveshafts and that those caused the t-case to leak at the seam, not the yoke seals:banghead:. I gently reminded him that the owners office was right around the corner :drama:and we could go talk to him and explain how I was not going to be able to lead the trail rides this summer:yup:. Funny thing happened:thumb:. He told me not to worry about it and that he would see that warranty takes care of both the t-case and tranny:clap2:. They jumped right on it and should be done this afternoon with new gaskets in the t-case and a new transmission:thumb:.
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