The Harlem Shake


Resident Smartass
1. Overlander JK is a racer at heart, and purchased a Dozer colored race helmet to match his Dozer JK Sport (Snorkels)

Ricer not racer.

2. Overlander JK is originally from New York State, and spent a considerable amount of time in Harlem trying to "live the thug life"

They don't like my kind in Harlem.

3. He's been known to cut a rug.

Don't know what that even means.

4. He's humble and thereby would not want to admit starting the "Harlem Shake" nor would he want to show his face "Shaking it" on camera.

I don't think anyone wants to see me "shake it"

5. Snorkels

What does that little guy have to do with it?



Haha. You're my boy blue!

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