The never-ending 'wave' discussion thread

I say, Don't be a douche.... WAVE Damn IT!! I wave anyway - it seems it the soccer mom's and yuppies that don't wave back. Either that or I look like a dirty old man. DON'T CARE - I WAVE ANYWAY!!! (sometimes I smile a creepy little smile)
I say, Don't be a douche.... WAVE Damn IT!! I wave anyway - it seems it the soccer mom's and yuppies that don't wave back. Either that or I look like a dirty old man. DON'T CARE - I WAVE ANYWAY!!! (sometimes I smile a creepy little smile)

I was pleasantly surprised today; I was coming up to a turn, and saw an older lady in a very clean stock tj. I expected no wave; but she got me first with a smile too, while I was spinning the wheel through my turn. I waved back. But again; I was expecting no wave and I got a pleasant surprize
What's the deal with all the Jeep snobs?

I remember years ago when I had my 90 wrangler and my wife had her 97, people would practically fall out of their Jeeps to wave at you. Not so much anymore, at least around here. I'd say maybe only 50% of the people I wave at actually wave back now in my 2010 JKU. so what's the deal? I really miss the "Jeep wave" and what it symbolized.
I've noticed around me 75% of jku's are soccer mom grocery getting mall crawlers who don't understand what JEEP actually is.....
I would say the 4 door brought a different jeep crowd in. I love mine but a lot of jeep owners just ain't about this life.
I wave obnoxiously when ignored by yuppies. They get the point eventually.....sometimes I have to follow them to their homes, but whatever it takes.
It's funny you bring this up because on Sunday I waved to a guy in a fairly built YJ and he gave me a half-assed acknowledgement with a nod. Could it have been because I was riding stock? Oh well, I was still proud lol.
What's the deal with all the Jeep snobs?

I remember years ago when I had my 90 wrangler and my wife had her 97, people would practically fall out of their Jeeps to wave at you. Not so much anymore, at least around here. I'd say maybe only 50% of the people I wave at actually wave back now in my 2010 JKU. so what's the deal? I really miss the "Jeep wave" and what it symbolized.

If you ever wanted to know the order of who should wave first. However, this should be updated as I think it was written in the 90s
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Love that wave rules list! Love the wave too. Still take it personal when unreturned. Also love that it bugs the heck out of my wife when I receive the wave...especially from women jeepers. She is forced to acknowledge there are many others with my devoted obsession.
What's the deal with all the Jeep snobs?

Lots of Jeeps in my town. Most people wave all the time. Except for yesterday. Pasted 3 modded, dirty Jeeps. They just looked at me like I was crazy. No wave returned. I started getting all pissed and swore I was done with waving. Then it hit me - that moment when you realize you're an idiot - I was driving the wife's car...
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What's the deal with all the Jeep snobs?

I always make sure I either start the wave or wave back to all Jeepers.

I've noticed that running in a stock JK I get waves from maybe 25% of the Jeeps that are built up. When I wave at the build up Jeeps first, only about 50% wave back (the ones who don't wave probably assume I'm like the soccer mom).

When I see a stock Jeep I'd say about 50% of them give a wave. When I wave at the stock Jeeps first, about 75% wave back (the ones who don't wave are probably the soccer mom).

With the JK now in the garage getting the lift, wheels and tires installed it will be interesting to see how those numbers change.

I'll keep waving to the stock Jeeps though and continue to do my part. Never forget where you came from
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