Wave from Texas


New member
Hello WOL'ers. I'm happy to find this forum, as some of the other Jeep forums seem, well, I'm just glad I found this place. A little back ground. I have pretty much always been a 4X4 guy, mostly being broncos, and most recently an FJ. I gifted my daughter the FJ and went on the hunt for another 4x4. This time I went for a jeep obviously, and picked up this..

I was hesitant to give the Wave as, since the second day of ownership its been in the shop. The dealer has literally had the jeep longer than I have since the purchase, and I think they may be in the buy back phase, they did have me pick out another jeep on the lot. I honestly don't know what all is going on there but Im a patient dude so we will see.

I look forward to being apart of this Way of Life and look forward to meeting the local WOL'ers, Katy TX, and others. I plan On moving to the PNW when my daughter goes off to college, maybe late summer. I have many friends up there and love to hit Browns Camp and other trails when I make visits, usually for fishing and dirt bike adventures.

Anyway If there are any wrenching parties going on in the Katy/Houston area I'd be more than happy to jump in and help, pass out beers, and pick up some knowledge.

Happy jeepn' :rock:
Welcome, sorry to hear about the problems.... Hopefully the problems get worked out soon so you can start enjoying that nice looking ride:thumb:
Welcome to WAL. I live south of you but we have a pretty good car show/Jeep meetup at Bombshells in Webster every other Monday at 7 (4/13 is the next one) if you want to meet some other Jeep people. WAL members and others are there.
Thanks All for the warm welcome! CRZRTX, That would be fun, not sure about making the trek from Katy across Houston to Webster during rush hour :eek: :icon_crazy: But, Maybe I can swing it one Monday.
Welcome to Wayalife. Sorry about the first Jeep. I promise you'll love it, though, once the dealer gets you squared away!
Thanks All for the warm welcome! CRZRTX, That would be fun, not sure about making the trek from Katy across Houston to Webster during rush hour :eek: :icon_crazy: But, Maybe I can swing it one Monday.

I don't blame you. Houston traffic is no fun. Another idea is to make the Go Topless event on Chrystal Beach May 16. There will be thousands of Jeeps out there. It is a fun event.

Welcome again to WAL. I hope you enjoy your Jeep.
Thanks again everyone! :beer:
The Go Topless event sounds like a blast, wish we still had the family beach house there. If I'm not traveling for work I'll shoot ya a PM.
Katy too
this is our street - 7 built jeeps
if you have a questions or need a tool let us know ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1428541411.826717.jpg
Katy too
this is our street - 7 built jeeps
if you have a questions or need a tool let us know

Aldor, Awesome sight to see. Next time y'all have any wrenching parties lined up let me know, I'd love to join in and pick up some info.
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