What a place this is. Love it!

Trail Bud

Hey everyone,
I just wanted to say that all of you in this web site are truly a great group!
(and no I haven’t been drinking before I wrote this. [emoji4] )

I posted in another thread about my loss
of Dizzy, my dog who left too soon.
People came out of the woodwork to say sorry, can I help, and all kind of good things.
There were people I’ve known forever and some I’ve never met before. But everyone was there to help.

Wayalife is filled with good people. This place, (Eddie & Cindy) and others have helped me build up Jeep, ( and repair it once or twice, taken me all over the country seeing events, trails and just beautiful country sides with amazing history.

In this day, it’s really nice to have this place. I have your back, and you have mine. That’s the way we work.

I want to thank you.

There may some who disagree, but they
don’t understand, or they don’t know what’s going on. They’re on the outside looking in.

Again thank you all for your support.
Trail bud.

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I couldn’t agree more Doug! Wayalife is a great place and a tight group of people! I wouldn’t want to be in any other Jeep family. [emoji106][emoji106][emoji482]
There really is a great core group of people here. I’ve met many and and hope to meet more in the years to come out on the trail doing what we all love!

2015 JKUR AEV JK350
1985 CJ8 Scrambler
Amen. It’s rare for me to make friends, as I generally don’t like people, but I can say I have met both virtually and in person many I am proud to call my friends.
I see through the Wayalife videos the close relationship you share with those you encounter. Would be nice to meet you someday and experience that in person. Till then, take care and sorry for your loss.
It’s very cool to hear this from everyone.

To those of you that we’ve never met, I hope to see you all on the trail sometime. Your a good bunch of people.
Thank you for the comments and wishes.
Take care.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
Couldn't agree more, met so many great people here. Looking fwd to meeting more, especially many of the East coasters and midwesterners who contribute so much here.

Sent from my HD1905 using WAYALIFE mobile app
Got to experience first hand how awesome this community is in Moab group of guys I’d never met come lend a hand. I hope to get out NV and run some trails out that way with ya.
Hey everyone,
I just wanted to say that all of you in this web site are truly a great group!
(and no I haven’t been drinking before I wrote this. [emoji4] )

I posted in another thread about my loss
of Dizzy, my dog who left too soon.
People came out of the woodwork to say sorry, can I help, and all kind of good things.
There were people I’ve known forever and some I’ve never met before. But everyone was there to help.

Wayalife is filled with good people. This place, (Eddie & Cindy) and others have helped me build up Jeep, ( and repair it once or twice, taken me all over the country seeing events, trails and just beautiful country sides with amazing history.

In this day, it’s really nice to have this place. I have your back, and you have mine. That’s the way we work.

I want to thank you.

There may some who disagree, but they
don’t understand, or they don’t know what’s going on. They’re on the outside looking in.

Again thank you all for your support.
Trail bud.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app

It was really the 3 of you (Eddie Cindy and yourself) that caught my attention. I remember the first WAYALIFE video I watched was the 5 part Moab series. Way back probably over 10 years ago. At the time I was a land cruiser guy.
Being a part of a family such as this was what kept my attention and eventually led my to owning my JK and, through this great community I’ve met some incredible people who now are like family.

You’re right, so many people outside looking in simply don’t get it. They never will and that’s okay, this isn’t for them. But I’ve always been welcomed by everyone here both on the forums, and on trail runs and I look forward each year to many more.

A couple years back I missed out on the Rubicon run with you guys and regret it to this day because, life is way too short for a do-over. Second chances are hard to come by. Every year I make it a point to meet someone new from the forum. This has largely become a big family and for the folks that have been here since day one I really can’t thank you all enough for including the rest of us.

Hang in there Doug. I’m a days drive away. Say the word and I’ll be there anytime for any reason.

Hope to see you on the trail before too long my friend.
It was really the 3 of you (Eddie Cindy and yourself) that caught my attention. I remember the first WAYALIFE video I watched was the 5 part Moab series. Way back probably over 10 years ago. At the time I was a land cruiser guy.
Being a part of a family such as this was what kept my attention and eventually led my to owning my JK and, through this great community I’ve met some incredible people who now are like family.

You’re right, so many people outside looking in simply don’t get it. They never will and that’s okay, this isn’t for them. But I’ve always been welcomed by everyone here both on the forums, and on trail runs and I look forward each year to many more.

A couple years back I missed out on the Rubicon run with you guys and regret it to this day because, life is way too short for a do-over. Second chances are hard to come by. Every year I make it a point to meet someone new from the forum. This has largely become a big family and for the folks that have been here since day one I really can’t thank you all enough for including the rest of us.

Hang in there Doug. I’m a days drive away. Say the word and I’ll be there anytime for any reason.

Hope to see you on the trail before too long my friend.

Your words hit it dead on. Like you said, don’t miss out on playing, sometimes you don’t get a second chance.

I’ve done a lot of trips/playing with Eddie and Cindy. So if something would stop me short, I am content with life. I got to experience so much. I don’t look at $ as making it in life. I say the experiences in life are the most important.
I hope we get to run a trail, or just hang out at camp soon. Right now it’s so screwed up it might be awhile. But I look forward to it.
Take care.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
Got to experience first hand how awesome this community is in Moab group of guys I’d never met come lend a hand. I hope to get out NV and run some trails out that way with ya.

That’s a great place to do it. It’s gods country out there. And you get to play in it with your old or new friends.
The help is a jeepers thing. The majority will lend a hand or whatever you need.
Running some trails would be great when you make it out.
Take care.

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