Wheels for sale

LOL! This is one of those threads that illustrates what makes this site great. The OP takes all of the good-natured ribbing in stride and doesn't get all pissy. Even he has fun with it.
On the other hand, when someone does get their feathers all ruffled, or better yet, the troll detector goes off, look out man it's Defcon 1!
LOL! This is one of those threads that illustrates what makes this site great. The OP takes all of the good-natured ribbing in stride and doesn't get all pissy. Even he has fun with it.
On the other hand, when someone does get their feathers all ruffled, or better yet, the troll detector goes off, look out man it's Defcon 1!
thank for the bump, and I've learned my lesson to not take all y'all to my heart </3 lol
:thumb: My pleasure!

You handled yourself way better than I did in my first attempt at posting a new thread! Tried to be too cute then a couple guys got me back on track halfway through the thread and I've had fun ever since!
LOL! This is one of those threads that illustrates what makes this site great. The OP takes all of the good-natured ribbing in stride and doesn't get all pissy. Even he has fun with it.
On the other hand, when someone does get their feathers all ruffled, or better yet, the troll detector goes off, look out man it's Defcon 1!

This is so true. The only time I really see a WAL member really go off the deep end is when the other poster truly is trying to have a dickhead agenda. Otherwise it's all in good fun.
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