NORCAL: Rubicon Run - October 1-4

good story and/or video? Sharing is caring!

Big curb at the mall... One for the ages outside Starbucks.. :)

It was at an off road park and I thought it was a foot or two, went off it and it was maybe 4 feet. My back seat came up, thought the axle was toast, ended up with a foot print on my windshield... Don't know how. Just careless driving on my part. Panda about followed me down.
We were playing at an OHV park and panda was following 07JKSahara on a path that just dropped off about 2ft unexpected. Nothing major happened just a little banging on the ground and probably some soiled seats :cheesy:

2ish.... :) yeah, the pucker factor was high, damage was not.
Freaky! I hear stories like this, and it makes me think I need to start carrying extra undies for if/when something like this happens to me.
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