Cocktail Hour


Just whipped up a pitcher of my Blue Margaritas to go with our cobalt blue skies here in AZ. Gotta love spring break!

Here is the recipe:

Blue Margaritas

1 3/4 cups of home made sweet and sour mix (recipe below)
1/2 cup of white tequila
1/3 cup of Blue Curacao
2 cups of ice cubes

Blend on high until you get the consistency you are looking for and enjoy! Be careful! These will sneak up on you!

Homemade Sweet and Sour Mix

3 cups of sugar
3 cups of water
2 cups fresh squeezed lemon juice
2 cups fresh squeezed lime juice

1, Mix the sugar and water together over medium heat, stirring until dissolved to make a simple syrup. Once the mixture turns clear, bring to a boil and then set aside to cool.
2. Juice the lemons and limes and add the juice to the simple syrup once it has sufficiently cooled.
3. Refrigerate until cold and use to make the margarita recipe above.
Daydreaming at night

Back at work on night shift after a month of leave.......find myself wishing I were back here
drinking this.....
Found a new Ginger Beer. Not bad. lot of bite. Just put the finishing touches on #4
Forgot the mint though..:mad:

It will make you very happy! You can't just have one.

Slightly sweet, hint of picon. Bubbly and very tasty.

Well if I learned anything on the Rubicon with you (besides I need Hydro steering) is to trust your drink choices. You're a GREAT bartender sir.
I couldn't post this stuff in the whiskey thread with a clear conscious, cause fine it aint, but mixed with ginger beer its actually pretty damn tasty!
(I admit the bottle & the 'herbal' got me curious)

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