Fallen Heros Jeep - Eddie is Anti-Veterans

You have to read the latest "Lets clear the Air" on his website. Playing the victim card and taking info that people speculated about with regards to his trip to Moab and posting it up. It's only a matter of time before I feel his website will disappear unless he is such a narcissist that he feels he will come out smelling like a rose.
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You have to read the latest "Lets clear the Air" on his website.

But when he started the thread he said "add me to banned list." So what is it. He knew then what he just found out now? Or he knows now what he already knew then.

Still goes back to very first jab, which was his. It's documented. It's fact. He started this. It has NOTHING to do with the forum. It's about his actions.

- Jason
But when he started the thread he said "add me to banned list." So what is it. He knew then what he just found out now? Or he knows now what he already knew then.

Still goes back to very first jab, which was his. It's documented. It's fact. He started this. It has NOTHING to do with the forum. It's about his actions.

- Jason

Yeah I like how he now says "It was a run that had already passed....and he was interested in attending future runs". BS look at the screen shot of his initial post to Eddie on FB. All he wanted to do was make him out to look bad and probably with the intentions to look good for his supporting forum JKF. Wouldn't surprise me if JKF put him up to it.
He already posted a response similar to that and has since deleted it. I guess the news station deal has made him nervous.

And every time he posts he says "this is my last response...." Lol
He already posted a response similar to that and has since deleted it. I guess the news station deal has made him nervous.

And every time he posts he says "this is my last response...." Lol

Anyone want to bet me this wont't be his last response?...:crazyeyes:
this guy has a severe case of Lance Armstrong syndrom. at this point he has so many lies going on and he is defending them so desparately, I think he actually believes he is in the right.

These are a couple of the reasons I despise you Robert Basil.

First, most of the people I know that own a Jeep have paid for it themselves, I have, and I still have a couple more years to pay on it. At the same time as I have payed payments I have also PAYED FOR THE UPGRADES MYSELF, I bought everything MYSELF. I could slap a sticker on it and call it whatever I want, raise awareness to any cause I want. I DON'T NEED ANY FREE/SPONSORED PARTS, if I felt a cause was worthy I WOULD DONATE TO IT MYSELF.

You on the other hand, ask for free stuff, gas donations from Chevron, rooms from Motel 6, Suspension parts from Teraflex, free stuff from Rugged Ridge, LED light bar, 4WD Hardware stuff ( I have spent thousands there), Labor from Rebel, all on someone else's dime.

You claim, you spent $1000.00 of your own money traveling to MOAB and raised $421 for a charity you have still yet to mention. Why not just stay home, donate the $1000.00 to charity? I think you did the charities you love so much a huge disservice.

Second, You were stupid enough to cast stones at someone you don't know, step on his turf, call him out as someone doing a hug injustice to you, then challenge him. Run your mouth on JKF as the victim, All the while did you really think you would not attract unwanted attention on to yourself? Your an idiot!

Third, as the light began to show onto your dark corner of the internet, as you were being called into question, you began editing, deleting, dodging, and running away. You could of invited the light in, but you didn't. You absconded, as if you have something to hide. If you truly had nothing to hide, you would have stood, and not hid behind your JKF moderator buddies, and you would have told SPEEDLIMIT you don't need his skirt to hide behind.

My personal thoughts are, you need attention, you want to be the one driving around town in your painted-up tricked out Jeep, drawing attention to yourself. You want the proverbial "pat on the back" from every you run across. Awww, look how much he cares! You want to be the BIG guy, with the BAD ASS ride at all the shows, it would not bother your conscience one bit if a company donated $100,000 just for YOUR Jeep.


Moreover, the only "cause" I spent money on my Jeep, was to get me further up the trail with a relative degree of ease, I'm curious how much you will spend of your own money to promote such a noble cause as you have, quit asking others to pay for it.
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These are a couple of the reasons I despise you Robert Basil.

First, most of the people I know that own a Jeep have paid for it themselves, I have, and I still have a couple more years to pay on it. At the same time as I have payed payments I have also PAYED FOR THE UPGRADES MYSELF, I bought everything MYSELF. I could slap a sticker on it and call it whatever I want, raise awareness to any cause I want. I DON'T NEED ANY FREE/SPONSORED PARTS, if I felt a cause was worthy I WOULD DONATE TO IT MYSELF.

You on the other hand, ask for free stuff, gas donations from Chevron, rooms from Motel 6, Suspension parts from Teraflex, free stuff from Rugged Ridge,
LED light bar, 4WD Hardware stuff ( I have spent thousands there), Labor from Rebel, all on someone else's dime.

You claim, you spent $1000.00 of your own money traveling to MOAB and raised $421 for a charity you have still yet to mention. Why not just stay home, donate the $1000.00 to charity? I think you did the charities you love so much a huge disservice.

Second, You were stupid enough to cast stones at someone you don't know, step on his turf, call him out as someone doing you a hug injustice to you, then challenge him. Run your mouth on JKF as the victim, All the while did you really think you would not attract unwanted attention on to yourself?
Your an idiot!

Third, as the light began to show onto your dark corner of the internet, as you were being called into question, you began editing, deleting, dodging, and running away. You could of invited the light in, but you didn't. You absconded, as if you have something to hide.
If you truly had nothing to hide, you would have stood, and not hid behind your JKF moderator buddies, and you would have told SPEEDLIMIT you don't need his skirt to hide behind.

My personal thoughts are, you need attention, you want to be the one driving around town in your painted-up tricked out Jeep, drawing attention to yourself. You want the proverbial "pat on the back" from every you run across. Awww, look how much he cares! You want to be the BIG guy, with the BAD ASS ride at all the shows, it would bother your conscience one bit if a company donated $100,000 just for YOUR Jeep.


Moreover, the only "cause" I spent money on my Jeep, was to get me further up the trail with a relative degree of ease, I'm curious how much you will spend of your own money to promote such a noble cause as you have, quit asking others to pay for it.

Well stated Bondsy!

These are a couple of the reasons I despise you Robert Basil.

First, most of the people I know that own a Jeep have paid for it themselves, I have, and I still have a couple more years to pay on it. At the same time as I have payed payments I have also PAYED FOR THE UPGRADES MYSELF, I bought everything MYSELF. I could slap a sticker on it and call it whatever I want, raise awareness to any cause I want. I DON'T NEED ANY FREE/SPONSORED PARTS, if I felt a cause was worthy I WOULD DONATE TO IT MYSELF.

You on the other hand, ask for free stuff, gas donations from Chevron, rooms from Motel 6, Suspension parts from Teraflex, free stuff from Rugged Ridge,
LED light bar, 4WD Hardware stuff ( I have spent thousands there), Labor from Rebel, all on someone else's dime.

You claim, you spent $1000.00 of your own money traveling to MOAB and raised $421 for a charity you have still yet to mention. Why not just stay home, donate the $1000.00 to charity? I think you did the charities you love so much a huge disservice.

Second, You were stupid enough to cast stones at someone you don't know, step on his turf, call him out as someone doing you a hug injustice to you, then challenge him. Run your mouth on JKF as the victim, All the while did you really think you would not attract unwanted attention on to yourself?
Your an idiot!

Third, as the light began to show onto your dark corner of the internet, as you were being called into question, you began editing, deleting, dodging, and running away. You could of invited the light in, but you didn't. You absconded, as if you have something to hide.
If you truly had nothing to hide, you would have stood, and not hid behind your JKF moderator buddies, and you would have told SPEEDLIMIT you don't need his skirt to hide behind.

My personal thoughts are, you need attention, you want to be the one driving around town in your painted-up tricked out Jeep, drawing attention to yourself. You want the proverbial "pat on the back" from every you run across. Awww, look how much he cares! You want to be the BIG guy, with the BAD ASS ride at all the shows, it would not bother your conscience one bit if a company donated $100,000 just for YOUR Jeep.


Moreover, the only "cause" I spent money on my Jeep, was to get me further up the trail with a relative degree of ease, I'm curious how much you will spend of your own money to promote such a noble cause as you have, quit asking others to pay for it.

These are a couple of the reasons I despise you Robert Basil.

First, most of the people I know that own a Jeep have paid for it themselves, I have, and I still have a couple more years to pay on it. At the same time as I have payed payments I have also PAYED FOR THE UPGRADES MYSELF, I bought everything MYSELF. I could slap a sticker on it and call it whatever I want, raise awareness to any cause I want. I DON'T NEED ANY FREE/SPONSORED PARTS, if I felt a cause was worthy I WOULD DONATE TO IT MYSELF.

You on the other hand, ask for free stuff, gas donations from Chevron, rooms from Motel 6, Suspension parts from Teraflex, free stuff from Rugged Ridge,
LED light bar, 4WD Hardware stuff ( I have spent thousands there), Labor from Rebel, all on someone else's dime.

You claim, you spent $1000.00 of your own money traveling to MOAB and raised $421 for a charity you have still yet to mention. Why not just stay home, donate the $1000.00 to charity? I think you did the charities you love so much a huge disservice.

Second, You were stupid enough to cast stones at someone you don't know, step on his turf, call him out as someone doing you a hug injustice to you, then challenge him. Run your mouth on JKF as the victim, All the while did you really think you would not attract unwanted attention on to yourself?
Your an idiot!

Third, as the light began to show onto your dark corner of the internet, as you were being called into question, you began editing, deleting, dodging, and running away. You could of invited the light in, but you didn't. You absconded, as if you have something to hide.
If you truly had nothing to hide, you would have stood, and not hid behind your JKF moderator buddies, and you would have told SPEEDLIMIT you don't need his skirt to hide behind.

My personal thoughts are, you need attention, you want to be the one driving around town in your painted-up tricked out Jeep, drawing attention to yourself. You want the proverbial "pat on the back" from every you run across. Awww, look how much he cares! You want to be the BIG guy, with the BAD ASS ride at all the shows, it would not bother your conscience one bit if a company donated $100,000 just for YOUR Jeep.


Moreover, the only "cause" I spent money on my Jeep, was to get me further up the trail with a relative degree of ease, I'm curious how much you will spend of your own money to promote such a noble cause as you have, quit asking others to pay for it.

Amen brother! Couldn't agree more! :yup:
Here's todays update to the "let's clear the air"

:cheesy: This Robert Basil guy is just too much!! I love how he won't even call out WAYALIFE.com or me by name. Guess he's afraid that someone might actually pay us a visit and be exposed to the TRUTH! Well Mr. Basil, you can make up stories and try to change what really happened but, unlike you, we've got PROOF. You want to try and suggest that you just innocently inquired about "future runs" with our group? How about we take a look at what you really said...


Robert Basil says that he wouldn't have been welcome to join us unless he removed his stupid sticker? I say he wouldn't be welcome on one of my runs just because of who he is - a scammer!

As far him being banned goes, I'd love nothing more than to give him that title but, he'd actually have to sign up on the forum before I could do that. Of course, if he's really so concerned about his address and photos of his home being posted up, maybe he shouldn't start public self-congradulatory Facebook fan pages dedicated to it and complete with his address available for all to see. :naw:

I definitely have accused Robert Basil of being a scam and specifically because he had been actively seeking CASH DONATION on his website and without a 501(c)3. When asked how much he's raised in the last 7 years and where all it went, he initially said that he's never asked for donations. When asked about the link on his website specifically soliciting donations, he promptly removed it and started a lame Q&A that states he's only raised $421. As far as what specific charities he claims to have helped goes, it sure is convenient for him that he only focuses on "smaller troop related charities that most people probably don't even know exist." Those are HIS words - not mine. Certainly, if we don't know about them, it sure is harder for us to know if they really even do exist. :naw:

Finally, I really do have to laugh out loud at Robert Basil's pathetic proclamation that this whole thing was started over some kind of "war" with JK-Forum. Mr. Basil, it was YOU who came on my Facebook fan page to pick a fight. It was you who called in all your buddies to troll me. It was you who went over to JK-Forum to whine about me once you and your scam was exposed and since you seem to have missed it, it was you who was getting questioned on JK-Forum as well.

BTW, unlike your website, ALL your responses and even those of Bob, the admin on JK-Forum can be found here - complete and un-edited. Compliments of WAYALIFE.com :yup:
These are a couple of the reasons I despise you Robert Basil.

First, most of the people I know that own a Jeep have paid for it themselves, I have, and I still have a couple more years to pay on it. At the same time as I have payed payments I have also PAYED FOR THE UPGRADES MYSELF, I bought everything MYSELF. I could slap a sticker on it and call it whatever I want, raise awareness to any cause I want. I DON'T NEED ANY FREE/SPONSORED PARTS, if I felt a cause was worthy I WOULD DONATE TO IT MYSELF.

You on the other hand, ask for free stuff, gas donations from Chevron, rooms from Motel 6, Suspension parts from Teraflex, free stuff from Rugged Ridge, LED light bar, 4WD Hardware stuff ( I have spent thousands there), Labor from Rebel, all on someone else's dime.

You claim, you spent $1000.00 of your own money traveling to MOAB and raised $421 for a charity you have still yet to mention. Why not just stay home, donate the $1000.00 to charity? I think you did the charities you love so much a huge disservice.

Second, You were stupid enough to cast stones at someone you don't know, step on his turf, call him out as someone doing a hug injustice to you, then challenge him. Run your mouth on JKF as the victim, All the while did you really think you would not attract unwanted attention on to yourself? Your an idiot!

Third, as the light began to show onto your dark corner of the internet, as you were being called into question, you began editing, deleting, dodging, and running away. You could of invited the light in, but you didn't. You absconded, as if you have something to hide. If you truly had nothing to hide, you would have stood, and not hid behind your JKF moderator buddies, and you would have told SPEEDLIMIT you don't need his skirt to hide behind.

My personal thoughts are, you need attention, you want to be the one driving around town in your painted-up tricked out Jeep, drawing attention to yourself. You want the proverbial "pat on the back" from every you run across. Awww, look how much he cares! You want to be the BIG guy, with the BAD ASS ride at all the shows, it would not bother your conscience one bit if a company donated $100,000 just for YOUR Jeep.


Moreover, the only "cause" I spent money on my Jeep, was to get me further up the trail with a relative degree of ease, I'm curious how much you will spend of your own money to promote such a noble cause as you have, quit asking others to pay for it.

Clearly, you are anti-veteran!! :cheesy:

Seriously, well said Tom.
Bob Basil missed his calling. The way he can double talk and cover his tracks he should have been an attorney.

Please don't ban me. I'm just kidding. Mostly. :bleh:
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