Eddie - I'm gonna crush your jeep and your stupid ankle biting dog!

Here you go. Under "Were you banned? Or Generally Have Comments - Vent Here"

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Let's say this did happen. Pretty sure it takes more than that to be escorted out of a country. He clearly feels very strongly about it whatever happened. I'm almost sad for him. Lots of hate to carry around for all these years.


Sent from my Galaxy S5 using the Wayalife APP
Wow just wow and I thought ridg3runner had issues :cheesy: besides I still haven't gotten my wayalife-evo-brainwashed-antiterajunk-sheeple jeep yet... I'm very sad I might threaten to high five you!!!!

Sent from my whatchamacallit
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Wait Wait Wait Wait a minute here.........

Am I to under stand that Eddie got this Canadian banned from the United States and he was "Escorted Back" to his country?

Okay Eddie put your way back cap on and think about how you did that, then go find Justin Bieber and get his ass escorted back the Canada too. Guarantee you will never have to buy your own liquor ever again.:beer:

No Eddie don't..leave him on your side of the border lol!!!
So what I gather from this thread is that black= criminal. In terms of the riot..how soon we are to forget the riots in Vancouver because of "Hockey". Let's not bring race involved with being criminals and making poor life decisions.

I didn't read anything about race here my friend. I thought it was more about youth than race, but maybe I missed something here.
So what I gather from this thread is that black= criminal. In terms of the riot..how soon we are to forget the riots in Vancouver because of "Hockey". Let's not bring race involved with being criminals and making poor life decisions.

Nice first post Jon.

No one has mentioned anything about race. Just a community full of idiots who are claiming that the kid was an angel and the cop shot him for no reason. It obviously had nothing to do with the fact that he was a young punk (proven by the video of him strong arm robbing a convenience store just minutes before his altercation with the officer) who tried to fight the cops (but the cop's version of the story couldn't possibly be true because he is a cop).

It's an unfortunate situation regardless of what brought about the end result. However, I would be willing to bet that the community that raised this young man, (the same community that thinks that rioting and looting their own local businesses is a way to bring about positive change in their city) is completely responsible for the way this kid conducted himself on a daily basis which eventually led to his death at the hands of the law.

That story would read the same whether it was taking place in the white trash trailer park that I grew up in or whether it was in the predominantly black Ferguson, MO. The only difference is that it would not make headline news because Jesse Jackson and his comrades wouldn't show up to stir the pot.

Children are unarguably a product of their environment and Ferguson, MO is proving what kind of an environment this kid grew up in... Black, white, brown, red, yellow, none of it changes a damn thing.


2013 CG JKU 6-speed
I totally agree CG...I'm not one to chose sides. I also don't think murder is ever a solution. Officers are trained for physical altercations. He could have chosen to wound and proceed to arrest. His disregard for life was disgusting. If a dog was shot I'm sure animal activists would be protesting.
I totally agree CG...I'm not one to chose sides. I also don't think murder is ever a solution. Officers are trained for physical altercations. He could have chosen to wound and proceed to arrest. His disregard for life was disgusting. If a dog was shot I'm sure animal activists would be protesting.

You are quite the Monday morning quarter back. Is getting his orbital socket crushed by the 6'4" 300 pound MAN not enough? Let me guess if you were in the officers shoes you would've shot him in the hand?

Answer this question. If you were getting beat so badly, you were armed and if you lost consciousness there was a good likelihood you won't make it home to your family. What would YOU have done? Take the fact that it was a police officer in that situation. Any civilian would have legal right to do the same to protect their own life.

Pretty easy to make those judgment from behind your computer screen or sitting on your comfy couch ey?

I BET you would change your tune if you were in those shoes.
I totally agree CG...I'm not one to chose sides. I also don't think murder is ever a solution. Officers are trained for physical altercations. He could have chosen to wound and proceed to arrest. His disregard for life was disgusting. If a dog was shot I'm sure animal activists would be protesting.

IF the officer's story is correct, then I respectfully disagree with you. When a 300 lb man who has just kicked your ass charges you for round two, you don't fire once then wait to see what happens next.

You train to fire until the threat is immobilized (e.g. falls to the ground). This idea that LEO's should have the ability to hit a moving target in the knee to stop forward progress is foolishness. Hell, I've read studies showing that 60% of the time a single center mass hit with a handgun won't stop forward progress.
I totally agree CG...I'm not one to chose sides. I also don't think murder is ever a solution. Officers are trained for physical altercations. He could have chosen to wound and proceed to arrest. His disregard for life was disgusting. If a dog was shot I'm sure animal activists would be protesting.

No such thing as "choose to wound and proceed to arrest" bud. That Is about onw of the most Ignorant comments a person can make about policing. Police officers are trained to shoot center mass to stop the threat. Not shoot to kill, not shoot to wound; shoot to stop the threat. Any comments to the contrary show how little you know about what its like to be a cop.
I totally agree CG...I'm not one to chose sides. I also don't think murder is ever a solution. Officers are trained for physical altercations. He could have chosen to wound and proceed to arrest. His disregard for life was disgusting. If a dog was shot I'm sure animal activists would be protesting.

But you are choosing sides. You are automatically siding with these fools by implying that we think they are criminals based on the color of their skin.

And the dog comment is absolutely flawed as well. There have been MULTIPLE cases in recent history where officers have shot dogs. One of which was in the dog's back yard where an officer entered the yard in the middle of the day without a warrant because he was looking for a "missing" child who ended up being in his basement. I bet that didn't make news across the border did it?


2013 CG JKU 6-speed
And for whatever it is worth, last I had read the "orbital socket blowout" reporting was false. Not saying the LEO didn't get beat up...I'm just saying some of the reporting in both directions by the media has been false.
And for whatever it is worth, last I had read the "orbital socket blowout" reporting was false. Not saying the LEO didn't get beat up...I'm just saying some of the reporting in both directions by the media has been false.

Ain't that always the truth. Bastards gotta SELL stories!

Sent from my iPad using WAYALIFE mobile app.......
I totally agree CG...I'm not one to chose sides. I also don't think murder is ever a solution. Officers are trained for physical altercations. He could have chosen to wound and proceed to arrest. His disregard for life was disgusting. If a dog was shot I'm sure animal activists would be protesting.

Good day sir, I do not know you and cannot nor will I attempt to judge you as to the degree of tactical experience, combat involvement, martial and weapons training you may or not have been exposed to in your life. I will say that your suggestion for the LEO who reasonable felt threatened and had only seconds during which to evaluate the threat, identify the aggressor, choose a course of action likely to keep himself alive and then execute this plan of action correctly and quickly before he was injured or killed should have chosen to wound is the peak of either naivety or the pit of stupidity.

When placed in the dark corner where only one of you is ever coming out alive and everything will change in a heartbeat, no one chooses to wound or kill - you choose to live. And the ONLY WAY to live is to STOP THE THREAT. If the aggressor dies, that sir is an unfortunate coincidence that could not be avoided. If the aggressor lives, that officer should spend more time on the practice range - shouldn't we all anyway?

Sent from my iPad using WAYALIFE mobile app.......
There was more than one officer!!
300lbs??? He wasn't a trained martial artist..he was a 300lbs kid. The officers on site we more than capable of making short work of him. They chose the easy way. Total disregard of human life. Officers aren't only trained how to use weapons. What about the 300+ guy they choked to death?
There was more than one officer!!
300lbs??? He wasn't a trained martial artist..he was a 300lbs kid. The officers on site we more than capable of making short work of him. They chose the easy way. Total disregard of human life. Officers aren't only trained how to use weapons. What about the 300+ guy they choked to death?

How many different stories are you going to mix into one argument? Are you saying an 18 year old is a kid in the sense that they cannot be dangerous? That's funny.

Your comment is the first I've seen that claims there were multiple LEO's on scene when the shooting occurred. You have a link to some concrete evidence of that?
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