Happy Hanukkah 2017


Tonight is the first night of the Festival of Lights. I'm fortunate enough to have grown up in a home and family that celebrates both Christmas and Hanukkah.

Happy Chanukah to you as well...my stepfather was a NY Jew...his favorite saying in reference to Chanukah was "they tried to kill us, we won...let's eat"...
Happy Chanukah to you as well...my stepfather was a NY Jew...his favorite saying in reference to Chanukah was "they tried to kill us, we won...let's eat"...

Ha ha. That's great!

My dads side started in NY, Yonkers to be exact and has branched out and west from there.
We celebrated everything...my mom, being Korean, was a Buddhist...my dad, from New England, was a Baptist...my stepfather, from NY, was a Jew. I've grown up believing in all paths to God...
We celebrated everything...my mom, being Korean, was a Buddhist...my dad, from New England, was a Baptist...my stepfather, from NY, was a Jew. I've grown up believing in all paths to God...

Amen to that, especially in today's climate. My mom grew up catholic. Now Christian. My dad brings in the Jewish belief from Poland and Russia. I consider my roots to be a cashew, a catholic Jew. Lol.
As long as you eat your pork from a kosher pig that was circumcised on the 8th day, Christmas ham is legit.
I’m not Jewish or Christian or anything else that believes in a god. But I do believe that we all benefit from tolerance for all and understanding of others’ perspectives. So Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas.
Tonight was the last night of Hanukkah. Embrace the spirit of the holiday. Regardless of what you choose to recognize or not, it does not matter to me.

We all have miracles in our lives. Take a moment to reflect on those miracles and celebrate the impacts they've had on your life. Peace and health to you.

Happy Hanukkah!

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