HEADS UP : Forum Upgrades in Progress - COMPLETED

Thanks guys, we appreciate your understanding. We were finally able get back online and working closer to normal at about 3AM-PST. Unfortunately, we had to go backward to get here and so we'll still need to try the move again. Not sure when we'll be able to do that but I'll try to give a heads up before we do. As far as the app goes, the Android app should be working again and should be better than the previous version. As far as the iPhone app goes, we're at the mercy of Apple to approve our update and that can take anywhere from 5 days to a week or 2. :rolleyes2:

Thanks! I'll try the Android app again later tonight and make sure it's up to date (don't have the phone during the day). Apple's approval process is a joke! Too bad you have to deal with that crap :grayno::icon_crazy::crazyeyes: I'm loving my decision to switch to Android after the iPhone 5s.
But i pay good money for a flawless forum! lol jk not hurting my feelings and you guys are doing awesome at trying to fix it! Thank you!!!:thumb:
That's it, the final straw. I'm changing over to android.

Just kidding Tony...put down the celebratory VT and get back to work. Lol

Bummer to hear about all the hurdles. Sounds like some good improvement are headed our way. Hopefully then you guys can catch up on some sleep. [emoji42][emoji42]
Yalls work is appreciated.

New app version is fantastic. So far much better than the other version which I didn't even have anything to complain about. Well done.

Sent from my SM-G930V using WAYALIFE mobile app
Pretty amazing. All that time to recover the system, little or no sleep, and still you make the effort to update everyone. Look up class act and you won't find a better definition.
First time on the android app since the update! Looks really good! Confused me at first but well done guys!
Just wanted to say thanks for all the effort y'all put in, it's appreciated! And as an apple user....I'm anxious to see the updates, the current version is in no way bad at all. I also follow a few shooting/reloading forums and this is by far the easiest to use/navigate and most stable forum app I've seen.
Thank you so much for the hard work on the updates. I do have an iPhone, and having issues trying to upload photos. Is that one of the bugs happening with Apple being a-holes and not approving the update yet? Damn them...
Hey everyone, it looks like things are back to normal on the app as well as the Internet. You are able to upload pics from both apple and android devices again!

Big thanks to Cindy and Eddie for working very hard to update everything for us and not stop working on it till it right!
Hey everyone, I wanted to apologize yet again for the brief interruption in service tonight. So you know, we just finished making what should be one of the last updates needed for the forum or at least, one that requires us to bring the forum down. We still have an iPhone app update coming your way and we hope to have it up soon but otherwise, everything should be good to go now. :cool:
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