Livin the Life - Tahoe 2013

It was my first experience in the Tahoe/Sierra area. It was amazing. Thank you Eddie and Cindy for sharing just a few of the incredible places. Let me also say that sharing and giving goes beyond wheeling. It's about helping folks when they break. I had my first break and it was a tough one. Fortunately, Eddie, Cindy, and the gang(Tony, Ray, and Don)were able to get me fixed which included fabricating and welding my axle trackbar mount on the trail. Talk about giving after a long day on the trail. Thanks again for helping me get back in one piece. :clap2::clap2: It's just one part of what makes this way of life special. :rock:

That sucks and is awesome at the same time. It is good to have friends/jeep-mates who will do whatever they can for you! Glad you made it off the mountain safe and in one piece.
True that, brother. :yup:

Ray, Don and Tony are quality peeps and them (along with Eddie) helping you out does not surprise me in the least. :thumb: Can't wait to start/finish my build here in the next month or two, so I can hit the trails with these guys. :yup:
Great thread and adventure. How many times did you guys use the Rotopax if any? Did you need the extra 4 gallons?
LOL!! So on Saturday, I started working on our Jeep at about 9 in the morning with the hopes of getting my control arm mount fixed. While things did ultimately turn out okay, I have to say that it was really hard work, under a really hot sun and with one welder that wasn't working at all and another that was having issues. Come about 5pm, I am still under my Jeep trying to finish things up when a large group of Jeeps rolled into the parking lot. Being that I was still hard at work under my Jeep, beat to all hell and just wanting to get this thing done, I just kept on working. During the next 5 minutes or so, not a single one of them came over to say hello, to see what was going on or to even offer up any help and really, no problem. These guys just came off the trail and I'm sure the last thing they wanted to do is get their hands dirty. Well, apparently, a few of these guys got butthurt that I didn't crawl out from under my Jeep to welcome them and decided to post up the following on one of our Facebook pics...

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lol, what a bunch of tools, If i had rolled up on someone fixing their jeep first thing I would do is offer them any assistance I could. Not stand back and bitch about the fact that you didn't acknowledge me..haha
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