LOVE IT or HATE IT? JEEP's New Slogan - “Zero Emission Freedom”

China isn't doing the mining. Chile mines most copper. And biggest mining companies are not Chinese. That being said...China is building at a rate not seen since the US after WW11, even greater. So they do account for roughly 40% of use.

I wasn't referring to copper and understand the biggest mining companies are not Chinese, , I think they're pretty much just graphite but they do refine for a lot of other countries and continue to expand their refineries.
it will be interesting to see how the refining business builds up and more so in the US where there's so much red tape.
IMO, they're just trading what they are crying about to other sources/outlets with no plan on how to deal with the garbage that will soon follow.
LOL - Like I said, you're a believer and I am skeptical. The examples you've given help you to have faith but for me, they ring hollow. I don't know how old you are but there was a time not so long ago where the big buzz was "global cooling". When that didn't work out, it became "global warming" and when that started having problems fitting the narrative, it got changed to "climate change."

And, "IF the climate science is right" sounds about as scientific as saying, "IF the bible is right" or at least, to me anyway.

Of course, NONE of this will change the fact that "electrified" Jeeps with a pitiful 20 mile range will = "zero emission freedom". That new slogan IS the whole point of this thread.

That’s a great point Eddie.

I remember when the climate alarmist told us we were going to all freeze to death. A few years later they said all coastal areas would be underwater? 🤔 Well I was at the beach on Independence Day and the water is not gotten any higher….

To put it all in perspective: At one point the earth was a giant ball of molten lava. Then it was covered with ice. Then it was covered with water. Then it was covered by jungle and forests. Mountains now exist were there was once oceans and vice versa. In the America southwest Indian tribes died off as a result of climate cycles effecting their food source. Considering all the dramatic changes that have occurred over the billions of years I am having a really hard time getting concerned about a possible half degree of temperature.

Most of the so called ‘Green Movement’ people have gotten fabulously wealthy and jet around the world on their private jets while demanding we peons eat only veggies, ride a Llamas, and wear hemp. How about… No?

The Jeep slogan should be: “Drive on any trail you want!”
That’s a great point Eddie.

I remember when the climate alarmist told us we were going to all freeze to death. A few years later they said all coastal areas would be underwater? 🤔 Well I was at the beach on Independence Day and the water is not gotten any higher….

To put it all in perspective: At one point the earth was a giant ball of molten lava. Then it was covered with ice. Then it was covered with water. Then it was covered by jungle and forests. Mountains now exist were there was once oceans and vice versa. In the America southwest Indian tribes died off as a result of climate cycles effecting their food source. Considering all the dramatic changes that have occurred over the billions of years I am having a really hard time getting concerned about a possible half degree of temperature.

Most of the so called ‘Green Movement’ people have gotten fabulously wealthy and jet around the world on their private jets while demanding we peons eat only veggies, ride a Llamas, and wear hemp. How about… No?

The Jeep slogan should be: “Drive on any trail you want!”
I agreed with everything except the llama part. Is that an option? If so I would like that one.
That’s a great point Eddie.

I remember when the climate alarmist told us we were going to all freeze to death. A few years later they said all coastal areas would be underwater? 🤔 Well I was at the beach on Independence Day and the water is not gotten any higher….

To put it all in perspective: At one point the earth was a giant ball of molten lava. Then it was covered with ice. Then it was covered with water. Then it was covered by jungle and forests. Mountains now exist were there was once oceans and vice versa. In the America southwest Indian tribes died off as a result of climate cycles effecting their food source. Considering all the dramatic changes that have occurred over the billions of years I am having a really hard time getting concerned about a possible half degree of temperature.

Most of the so called ‘Green Movement’ people have gotten fabulously wealthy and jet around the world on their private jets while demanding we peons eat only veggies, ride a Llamas, and wear hemp. How about… No?

The Jeep slogan should be: “Drive on any trail you want!”
That's just the thing. If the ruling class really cared, they would lead by example. I have yet to see this.
Here are some interesting facts about EV batteries.

1. Electric vehicle batteries typically must be replaced every seven to 10 years for smaller vehicles and three to four for larger ones, such as buses and vans.
2. The global stockpile of these batteries is expected to exceed 3.4 million by 2025. This is almost a 62-fold increase in 7 years.
3. Batteries can be recycled through a sophisticated chemical procedure, a smelting process and that can recover minerals such as lithium, cobalt, nickel but extracting them is 5 times more expensive than mined lithium. If not handled properly, the heavy metal contained in the battery can lead to contamination of the soil and water.

Yes, a "spent" EV battery will still have a 70% capacity and for a period of time, can be "repurposed" to power things like street lights or provide battery back up at data centers but at some point and time, they all die. And, until or unless new advanced processes are found, mining new lithium will still be more economical than recycling and that leaves us with the problem of, what to do with all the dead batteries.

Circling back to the the point of this thread, a Jeep that only has a pitiful 20 mile battery range does NOT and will NOT = "zero emission freedom". However, it may result in a stock pile of batteries that contain heavy metals and that are difficult and costly to recycle.
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Here are some interesting facts about EV batteries.

1. Electric vehicle batteries typically must be replaced every seven to 10 years for smaller vehicles and three to four for larger ones, such as buses and vans.
2. The global stockpile of these batteries is expected to exceed 3.4 million by 2025. This is almost a 62-fold increase in 7 years.
3. Batteries can be recycled through a sophisticated chemical procedure, a smelting process and that can recover minerals such as lithium, cobalt, nickel but extracting them is 5 times more expensive than mined lithium. If not handled properly, the heavy metal contained in the battery can lead to contamination of the soil and water.

Yes, a "spent" EV battery will still have a 70% capacity and for a period of time, can be "repurposed" to power things like street lights or provide battery back up at data centers but at some point and time, they all die. And, until or unless new advanced processes are found, mining new lithium will still be more economical than recycling and that leaves us with the problem of, what to do with all the dead batteries.

Circling back to the the point of this thread, a Jeep that only has a pitiful 20 mile range does NOT = "zero emission freedom" but it will result in a stock pile of batteries that contain heavy metals that are difficult and costly to recycle.
Good data to post Eddie. No one brings this up when the whole 'green' push is the argument/agenda. Makes me mental.
I agreed with everything except the llama part. Is that an option? If so I would like that one.

Ha, Ha, Ha!!! 🤣😂🤣

I’ve got nothing against Llamas, however according to the internet (which is NEVER wrong), a large (400 lbs) Llama can carry 120 lbs. That’s less than half my weight and I’m pretty sure my feet would be close to dragging on the ground so it’s probably not going to work for me. I’m gonna hold out for a 392 Gladiator 😉
Ha, Ha, Ha!!! 🤣😂🤣

I’ve got nothing against Llamas, however according to the internet (which is NEVER wrong), a large (400 lbs) Llama can carry 120 lbs. That’s less than half my weight and I’m pretty sure my feet would be close to dragging on the ground so it’s probably not going to work for me. I’m gonna hold out for a 392 Gladiator 😉
Bummer. Yeah fuck the llamas. They won’t work for me either.
So, here’s a thought. Being that much of our highways and infrastructure is paid for by gas taxes, what will become of them if everyone is required to drive electric vehicles?
Its a per mile tax at time of registration that will of course happen to fall over to the dino burning relics that we all drive.
So, on our drive out to SoCal to attend Jeep Bash, we hit some traffic pulling into Yermo. As we caught up to the slow fucker jamming up the highway and making trucks go around him, I noticed it was a Tesla creeping along at probably 45 mph and with it's hazards on. Anyway, we used the opportunity to just get off and stop in at a favorite gas station for a pit stop and as we pulled in, I saw this...

Every single charging spot taken and with people just standing around in the 100+ degree heat, humid heat too, or just wandering around inside the store looking bored as hell. There were actually more waiting for a spot to open up including the one we had seen earlier on the highway slowing everyone up. Welcome to the future.
So, on our drive out to SoCal to attend Jeep Bash, we hit some traffic pulling into Yermo. As we caught up to the slow fucker jamming up the highway and making trucks go around him, I noticed it was a Tesla creeping along at probably 45 mph and with it's hazards on. Anyway, we used the opportunity to just get off and stop in at a favorite gas station for a pit stop and as we pulled in, I saw this...
View attachment 367039

Every single charging spot taken and with people just standing around in the 100+ degree heat, humid heat too, or just wandering around inside the store looking bored as hell. There were actually more waiting for a spot to open up including the one we had seen earlier on the highway slowing everyone up. Welcome to the future.
Not my future…
So, on our drive out to SoCal to attend Jeep Bash, we hit some traffic pulling into Yermo. As we caught up to the slow fucker jamming up the highway and making trucks go around him, I noticed it was a Tesla creeping along at probably 45 mph and with it's hazards on. Anyway, we used the opportunity to just get off and stop in at a favorite gas station for a pit stop and as we pulled in, I saw this...
View attachment 367039

Every single charging spot taken and with people just standing around in the 100+ degree heat, humid heat too, or just wandering around inside the store looking bored as hell. There were actually more waiting for a spot to open up including the one we had seen earlier on the highway slowing everyone up. Welcome to the future.
They really have the cart ahead of the horse on this one.
Hmmm...more power on the grid...still shit electrical infrastructure...more forest fires. You don't here the Green people talking about this.:unsure:
Not my future…
Not in mine either. It was a Friday evening and the gas station was a busy place. Tons of cars coming in and out while we were there. Well, except for the Teslas. They were just coming in and waiting.
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