NEVER talk to the police!

I kind of figured you would step back from my invitation.

lol. Is that what that was? :cheesy: you're actually serious? Want to meet at the bike rack after school? Want to say mean things about my mommy?

Grow up Tommy. I'm the little bitch remember?
Are you still at this bullshit. Not only are stupid because of your thoughts. But you're doubly stupid for continuing to argue a side that literally NOBODY here agrees with.

I could give a rats ass what questions you answer. As I said before, I honestly pray no LEO, crossing guard, parking ticket agent or anyone else ever lifts a finger for you or anyone you know in a time of need. Your squadron would/should be embarrassed.

As for this thread, you need to just stop. I'm pretty sure you've lost all respect at this point anyways.

If thats how you feel. Ill just hope that you need to make those frantic calls multiple times and that you do need them more often than not.
If thats how you feel. Ill just hope that you need to make those frantic calls multiple times and that you do need them more often than not.

WTF. How old are you? To come back with the "I'm rubber, you're glue, what bounces off me sticks on you."

Really. My daughter would have a better line than that.
If thats how you feel. Ill just hope that you need to make those frantic calls multiple times and that you do need them more often than not.

You are really some kind of idiot. How you ever got a CCW in the city or county you live is a wonder. You are the exact reason no city or county should ever be a "shall issue" county.
I'd love to speak to the Sheriff or Police Chief that signed your permit.
I've never been under the impression that you have to be smart or responsible to get a CCW in America..... just sayin. :)
You welcome to ask me whatever the hell you want. I can't stop you from asking me questions but I can choose not to answer them and that is my right. It doesn't matter who, what, where, when and why and it's none of your business unless I decide that it is your business.

If you ever pull me over and someone else is in my car I'll shift with my eyes repeatedly in his direction so you know something is wrong. I wouldn't be like "HEY THE GUY IN THE BACK ISNT SUPPOSED TO WITH ME" as that would escalate the situation quickly. I don't for see that issue in my future though but hey ya never know.

When you flip the lights on me its not your choice where I pull over. If I put my 4 ways on so you know I see you, then I proceed to parking lot ( to many people have been killed sitting in there car on the highway) you can be all kinds of mad and I honestly do not care. Why? Because a parking lot if far safer than on the highway for both me and you. If not then why is officers want to come to the passenger side when others stop on the highway?

I spent two and half years as a fire fighter. So I've seen what you have and done what you have. I just decided that it wasn't for me and I returned to school to do something else. Which I'll be completing in 14 months after 11years of school and work.

This seems fitting
I just want to re-clarify that my expressed views are strictly my own, and they have been expressed clearly as mud. Others who have views in this thread, even when appearing to be linear with the OP, are their own and should not be link to myself or others even if they express affirmation of another's written statement. (PC as all hell right there!)

I don't understand why bakers use so much flour. I mean, I was a mechanic for years and i know they should use less flour!!

OK now that's hilarious!! :cheesy:
who said i don't say good evening officer? Since when was it rude to politely respond thats not of your concern? hell when did it become rude to not answer a question when you don't know the guy asking a personal question?

you can be respectful and refuse to do something. I do not sit there and say "am i being detained" I'm respectful in saying no

You can be courteous while refusing to answer questions. However the silent treatment isn't one of those ways.
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