Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

It annoys me when someone takes my parking space at school for most on here they can relate to that by means of them at work

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Everytime someone would take my space I would block them in. They would come to the front desk looking for the asshole only to find I am the "head honcho". Then would come the apologies.
Everytime someone would take my space I would block them in. They would come to the front desk looking for the asshole only to find I am the "head honcho". Then would come the apologies.

Haha. I usually park in like the same three parking spaces at school so i'm cool with it. I have my main parking space and then like 2 or 3 back up parking spaces in the same area that are always empty incase my primary spot is taken

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Things that get me going include the following:
1.) slow drivers
2.) when i pass someone driving like a slug then they speed up just to get around me and then get in front of me just to be the snail that they are

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omg... this! I used to drive musicians on tour and those same cars would drive next to my bus for miles trying to see inside the bus to see who's on board. then they would get in front of me and slow down still trying to see inside.:mad:
One of mine is seeing a perfectly good grassy field covered with mud and water in some places that you wanna get out and get turnt up in it and not being able to hit it because it's right next to the road and a cop could drive by at any moment and hit you with trespassing and destruction of property charges, tickets, fines, possibly jail time, and impoundment of your jeep

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Another thing that slightly pisses me off is when the weathermen get the forecast wrong and say it's not going to rain and it does or living where i live in the summertime where we sometimes get the occasional random pop-up shower that randomly appears out of nowhere so i'm stuck doorless and sometimes even with my topdown in the rain

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In general:

-poor table manners, especially people who talk with their mouths full.

-Subdivision/suburban living

-The "tuner" scene. After coming from the turbo Subaru crowd, I don't think I can ever go back.


-people who buy jeeps and never take them offroad (I just can't imagine why someone would purchase a brick on wheels, that handles like a brick on wheels, and has no real performance on pavement that justifies 16-18 mpg, just for the image. Whatever though, it keeps Chrysler selling Wranglers, so :thumb: )

-People who litter on trails (or anywhere really) Nothing grinds my gears faster that being in some lovely backwoods, taking in nature, and then seeing that some toad has thrown out a beer can, or broken a bottle on rocks next to a forest stream, or just tossed stuff out of their rig.

-The Dragon Jeeps. Holy moly, burn those heretical dragon stickers.

-Waiting for real info on the next gen Wrangler
When people say ATM machine. Automated teller machine machine? :thinking: ummm no!

When people write $200 dollars or $200 bucks. Dollar dollars? Dollar bucks? :thinking: ummm no again!
When you use the restroom at home and the last person to use it did not replace the empty roll of TP. Come on now ... You didn't realize you use the last square?? Reach your lazy ass in the cabinet and put a new roll on!
When you use the restroom at home and the last person to use it did not replace the empty roll of TP. Come on now ... You didn't realize you use the last square?? Reach your lazy ass in the cabinet and put a new roll on!

Sounds like something you would do! Man that pisses me off. :cheesy:
When you use the restroom at home and the last person to use it did not replace the empty roll of TP. Come on now ... You didn't realize you use the last square?? Reach your lazy ass in the cabinet and put a new roll on!

Be careful your wife has an account here. :eek:
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