Pet Peeves - What Pisses You Off?

A couple of mine:

1. Having to use Internet Explorer at work. :mad:
2. When someone takes the hat off of my head. (Odd, I know.)
3. When there is no windshield cleaner at the gas station.
4. People letting their kids run wild in a restaurant.
heres a few of mine,

1. people who smack their lips while eating
2. when my wife tries to talk to me while im watching something and then she's quiet during commercials. (she's the reason why I got DVR)
3. people who walk slow at Wal-Mart, well mostly everybody at Wal-Mart irritates me.
4. Motorcycles that park in normal parking spaces when there's motorcycle parking available .
2. when my wife tries to talk to me while im watching something and then she's quiet during commercials. (she's the reason why I got DVR)

x2!!! My lady will talk my leg off while Im reading something or something is on TV that Im trying to pay attention to....but when we are on a long ass drive there's nothing but silence as she's on facebook and texts on her phone the whole time!!! :mad: :gaah:
x2!!! My lady will talk my leg off while Im reading something or something is on TV that Im trying to pay attention to....but when we are on a long ass drive there's nothing but silence as she's on facebook and texts on her phone the whole time!!! :mad: :gaah:

yep, ive got the same problem,
I just have noticed this thread which may be my favorite one here on Wayalife so I'll throw my list out there

1. When some soccer mom parks her spotless clean mall crawler on 37s next to my dirty pinstriped Jk on 35s just to aggravate me it seems.
2. People asking my where my doors went.
3. Anti 2nd amendment protesters. :thinking:
4. The liberal media. :naw:
5. People who believe its evil for a corporation to make money and hold a grudge on CEOs and other wealthy people. :asshat:
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