Brilliantly done. If only the title of the video were true.

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Agree... I can’t stand the hyperbole some YouTube personalities use when titling their videos. But I guess they’ve got to get those clicks.

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Ray of hope, newsflash...

At least eighteen States have joined in the Texas lawsuit against the corrupt four swing States most heavily involved in stealing the election.
Supreme Court will decide.

Side note... I'm glad I live in one of those States, joining with Texas.
At least eighteen States have joined in the Texas lawsuit against the corrupt four swing States most heavily involved in stealing the election.
Supreme Court will decide.

Side note... I'm glad I live in one of those States, joining with Texas.

Hopefully the Supreme Court even takes it up...

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^^ I wouldn't hold your breath. The Supreme Court does not enjoy getting involved in voting issues (which are predominately state issues).
Fucking good for nothing goddam press. These pieces of shit have ZERO credibility. Their hypocrisy is indefensible

Before election


After election

In this "news", story, they make the comment, " and no evidence of widespread fraud exists"
These people are all pushing the same false propaganda. There is a mountain of evidence of coordinated fraud and a planned theft of the election. This Nation is being attacked by enemies within and foreign.
They condense it, somewhat on their Parler account.
In this "news", story, they make the comment, " and no evidence of widespread fraud exists"
These people are all pushing the same false propaganda. There is a mountain of evidence of coordinated fraud and a planned theft of the election. This Nation is being attacked by enemies within and foreign.
They condense it, somewhat on their Parler account.

Your absolutely right...a lot of people are pushing false propaganda...
In this "news", story, they make the comment, " and no evidence of widespread fraud exists"
These people are all pushing the same false propaganda. There is a mountain of evidence of coordinated fraud and a planned theft of the election. This Nation is being attacked by enemies within and foreign.
They condense it, somewhat on their Parler account.

I started looking through that website and stopped at the Nevada "evidence". Judge Russell gave the Contestants every opportunity to prove their claims, and they failed miserably. In fact, the Contestants failed to even conduct the depositions of the individuals who supposedly had first hand knowledge of improprieties (depositions that the Contestants themselves requested the ability to take). Inexplicably, the Contestants chose to file declarations in lieu of conducting the depositions and, in doing so, prevented any opportunity for cross-examination. A first year law student will tell you that a declaration is an out-of-court statement that, if proffered for the truth of the matter asserted, is inadmissible hearsay.

I'm sorry, but "my brother-in-law's cousin's sister's hairstylist knows a dogcatcher who knows someone who voted for their dead aunt twice removed" is not evidence. It's like the legal team took a page straight out of the ridiculous "evidence" book used to go after Justice Kavanaugh in the confirmation hearings.
That’s a pretty cool site though! It’s kind of like Wikipedia, where anyone can add information.

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“These two yutes”. Hahaha. I still laugh when I hear that.

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LOL... Love that movie, I use this line anytime a buddy gets excited about new hunting gear:

"Imagine you're a deer. You're prancing along, you get thirsty, you spot a little brook, you put your little deer lips down to the cool clear water... BAM! A fuckin bullet rips off part of your head! Your brains are laying on the ground in little bloody pieces! Now I ask ya. Would you give a fuck what kind of pants the son of a bitch who shot you was wearing?"
LOL... Love that movie, I use this line anytime a buddy gets excited about new hunting gear:

"Imagine you're a deer. You're prancing along, you get thirsty, you spot a little brook, you put your little deer lips down to the cool clear water... BAM! A fuckin bullet rips off part of your head! Your brains are laying on the ground in little bloody pieces! Now I ask ya. Would you give a fuck what kind of pants the son of a bitch who shot you was wearing?"

Ha!! That one got me laughing... I had a scene going in my mind.

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What was Trump's nickname for him again?...oh yes, Lyin' Ted....
I'm curious Brute, did you watch the above posted video? Your thoughts on it's content? Or, do you not care about censorship, stolen elections, and just prefer wise cracks?
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