So does your wife know what you really spend on your Jeep?


I know some of you guys out there have wives that are really involved with your builds, but how about the rest of us that really don't want our wives (or significant others)
to know why Brown Santa knows us by our first names? Got any good stories? I'm lucky because I get all of my stuff delivered to my warehouse and my warehouse guy knows he'll get fired if he divulges any insider information to my wife, who works for me (hoo boy, that could be another thread! That alternates between :banghead: and :thumb:) What lengths have you gone to avoid fessing up?
If you have to hide stuff from your significant other, you probably shouldn't be married to them. Same with them.
Another reason I am still single lol. With my last few exs, they didnt really care tho since It was my money and I could do whatever I wanted with it.
My wife knows about each purchase, she just doesn't know the running total on how much has actually gone into it..

I was keeping track of it all, down to the dollar, but then I realized that I myself don't even want to know! She knows that it's more than she thinks... So That's where we leave it. [emoji16]
My wife knows about each purchase, she just doesn't know the running total on how much has actually gone into it..

I was keeping track of it all, down to the dollar, but then I realized that I myself don't even want to know! She knows that it's more than she thinks... So That's where we leave it. [emoji16]

I save up for all my stuff but don't tell her how much I spend. Even though it is my money she would find it stupid which would start a fight. She can spend hundred of dollars each month looking good but I go out and buy a new set of wheels ever couple years and crap hits the Just kidding.
If you have to hide stuff from your significant other, you probably shouldn't be married to them. Same with them.

My wife knows about each purchase, she just doesn't know the running total on how much has actually gone into it..

I was keeping track of it all, down to the dollar, but then I realized that I myself don't even want to know! She knows that it's more than she thinks... So That's where we leave it. [emoji16]

I am with these guys, with all of my hobbies. We dont talk about how much each one has cost as a total, but I dont hide the costs from her. Same with her purchases, hobbies, etc. I know how much her assorted stuffs cost, she knows how much the lift, tires/wheels, winch, and even the bumper I just bought cost, and I just had her transfer the cash to pay off the credit card from our trip to Colorado a couple weeks ago. It keeps things simple, communication open, and we talk about big purchases. No surprises, no guilt, and no "getting even" with purchases.

But then, she drove most of the time when we went wheeling with a buddy last weekend, so its not like she isnt involved in the use as well.

ETA - I want to add that it is very nice having a wife that is supportive of hobbies, and jobs that allow us to have them. I know that isnt the case for everyone, and I have friends whose situation is very similar to ours, but his wife thinks every purchase is a waste, even with $20 purchases... He deals with it, but I see how it could be rough. I feel for you guys!
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Yeah, this can be a touchy subject for a lot of folks.

For me, wife knows all. We don't hide things from each other, you want it go buy it.

Some would say the cliche happy wife happy life rings true every time , but the reverse is also true.

I am married to an angel who understands the word partner.
Wheeling is what we do as a family so my wife gets to enjoy it as much as me. The key here is separate bank accounts. Lol. She has a shoe and purse addiction that could possibly rival the jeep. Jk.
my Jeep almost cost me my marriage last month.(not really, but she was mad for a bit)

I drove her '14 sahara into work for a oilchange and came home with a '15 hardrock.
it wasnt so much the trade of the Jeep she was mad at, it was the fact i didnt "consult" with her before i did it. more upset it was a manual that she cant drive.
i told her i sold the TJ to make up for it.she loved that one , so that was apparently a bad decision as well.

i will now consult with her on all future Jeep sales and purchases.
I know some of you guys out there have wives that are really involved with your builds, but how about the rest of us that really don't want our wives (or significant others)
to know why Brown Santa knows us by our first names? Got any good stories? I'm lucky because I get all of my stuff delivered to my warehouse and my warehouse guy knows he'll get fired if he divulges any insider information to my wife, who works for me (hoo boy, that could be another thread! That alternates between :banghead: and :thumb:) What lengths have you gone to avoid fessing up?

Jealous of you being able to do this. Luckily mine doesn't really mind how much I spend. She doesn't wanna know, that's for sure. But she enjoys my jeep also so it's a win win for us both.
My misses knows all. I make extra on the side being a "volunteer" firefighter. I have a threshold each month and once I hit that amount, the rest goes to pay off joint debt, whatever she wants. She helps keep track of my money, although I would immediately know if she is black-balling me (not that she ever would even consider it). So she knows roughly what I spend my money on. Same goes with my guns and anything else. I also know what she spends. We spend most waking moments together minus work thus we buy our toys together. No bitching. No squawking. Most recently the conversation has been Evo BO Coilovers or Enforcer with King 2.5s. The major consideration is cost...she thinks it is wiser to go Enforcer since we don't wheel that often due to where we live. But I want them because...well...THEY ARE EVO BOLT ON COILOVERS!!!! She is great at keeping things in perspective (no sarcasm).
my Jeep almost cost me my marriage last month.(not really, but she was mad for a bit)

I drove her '14 sahara into work for a oilchange and came home with a '15 hardrock.
it wasnt so much the trade of the Jeep she was mad at, it was the fact i didnt "consult" with her before i did it. more upset it was a manual that she cant drive.
i told her i sold the TJ to make up for it.she loved that one , so that was apparently a bad decision as well.

i will now consult with her on all future Jeep sales and purchases.

I did something very similar. I'm not married yet but engaged. She is a nurse and got off of work late and was going to sleep in. I told her the day before I was looking at a few jeeps. To me that meant I will be driving home with one. To her it meant just looking. So I find my '08 JKU Sahara and knew she was still sleeping. I didn't bother calling her. I get home and thought for sure I was going to be found dead in the bottom of the lake.

To this day she hates the jeep and will try her hardest to pick it apart and find things wrong. From that day forward I consult about everything that will go on that jeep. Even if it costs $8, it's going on the jeep still.

I look back and realized I was a dumbo for not calling her. Thought I was being nice but oh the contrary. As much as I love Jeeps and want to build a sweet rig and go wheeling. It isn't worth loosing the one you love over it. You just have to make sure she is happy and you can help out when something does hit the fan.
Along the same lines but I was trying save money. My jeep had an aftermarket front bumper on it that I didn't like when I bought it.
So one day I was looking at it and realized I could cut the ends off of it and turn it into a stubby bumper. It didn't take me too long to cut it and grind it down till it had a smooth finish.
At first I didn't quite like the way it turned out, but hey I was taking something I already had and making it look like I wanted it too. I drove it for a week before she noticed. In her exact words "I F-ING HATE IT". I looked at it like I was saving money. She says I should have consulted with her before making a drastic change in appearance. The jeep also had a stock rear bumper that I didn't like at all. So I made a deal with her that if we replace the front bumper we had to replace the back too. We are at a standoff. I figure after a year or so I can talk her into it. To her credit we just swapped gears so I have put a good chunk of money into it recently.
Same as a lot of you. She enjoys wheeling too. As long as the item is practical, like sliders, etc then she is cool with it. Most of the un-necessary stuff, I try to stay on a budget anyway or really decide whether it's necessary.

She didn't like the price of the Warn winch, but she also realizes you pay for what you get. "Honey, can't we can buy the harbor freight one in the flyer, the one with the plastic drum, for $200." <<<She knows that not walking home or walking for help is worth spending some extra dough.
If you have to hide stuff from your significant other, you probably shouldn't be married to them. Same with them.

Seriously, I may be a noob to this site bit I sure as hell aint a noob to marriage. One thing I've learned is when to not go poking the Griz, know what I mean?
Don't get me wrong, 99.99% of the last 28 years have been wonderful, but picture this conversation at dinner tonight: "Why yes, dear, I had a lovely day. and, oh by the way,
I just dropped $12k on a set of Dynatrac axles with the great guys at Northridge because I NEEDED them!" HAH! I'd have a dinner fork sticking out of the top of my head! :shock:

She know's I spend "a lot", just not how much "a lot" really is!

Edit: Easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission sometimes ;)
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In about a month or two I'm getting ready to buy a ProRock 80/60 combo, EVO Double Throwdown front and rear, wheels and 40" tires. I talk to my wife about those items and every purchase because it's something we do as a family. She was perfectly fine with it and is even excited to get it all in.

If you can't talk to your significant other about it or they get angry at every purchase you make then there's something wrong there. You're either purchasing way beyond your family's means or ability and that's why they're upset at you or it's just not a right fit between you both.
In about a month or two I'm getting ready to buy a ProRock 80/60 combo, EVO Double Throwdown front and rear, wheels and 40" tires. I talk to my wife about those items and every purchase because it's something we do as a family. She was perfectly fine with it and is even excited to get it all in.

If you can't talk to your significant other about it or they get angry at every purchase you make then there's something wrong there. You're either purchasing way beyond your family's means or ability and that's why they're upset at you or it's just not a right fit between you both.

Friggin' relax man, this is supposed to be a funny thread not a marriage counselor/financial planning session & please don't make judgements regarding others means to make purchases. My wife is thrilled that we're going out to Moab next year in our Jeep, although she is NOT thrilled about the possibility of me taking her down Black Bear Rd the following year....
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