TEXAS: Meet ups/crawling/adventures

Maybe next weekend would be better, maybe we could get a few more people together. Plus I really don't wanna have to deal with washing of a bunch of hidden falls mud again.
Maybe next weekend would be better, maybe we could get a few more people together. Plus I really don't wanna have to deal with washing of a bunch of hidden falls mud again.

I agree. I was there when that storm hit a couple months back and had a hell of a time taking all of that mud off lol
I'm not crazy about washing off mud either. I'll just watch and see what you guys decide, but I would probably prefer next weekend myself.
I hate to say it, cause I'm itching to get out there, but let's plan to go next weekend and give a few others a chance to make it out. I still have mud in my driveway from two trips ago out there. That mud is like cement as soon as it dries. I hope that doesn't put you out Nick, really sorry if it does.
I hate to say it, cause I'm itching to get out there, but let's plan to go next weekend and give a few others a chance to make it out. I still have mud in my driveway from two trips ago out there. That mud is like cement as soon as it dries. I hope that doesn't put you out Nick, really sorry if it does.

Thats no problem at all. I checked and have nothing important that weekend. We might actually be able to get a couple more people to come that weekend so it works out.

I'm not crazy about washing off mud either. I'll just watch and see what you guys decide, but I would probably prefer next weekend myself.

Awesome, just stay tuned in the thread to keep updated.
Sweet next weekend it is rain or shine. Even if I have to deal with the mud I'll deal with it. I wanna see you guys and catch up.
Good thing we aren't going this weekend! We have a massive storm coming through tonight and tomorrow it's supposed to be 20+ mph winds. Would make for a rough day at the park.
Good thing we aren't going this weekend! We have a massive storm coming through tonight and tomorrow it's supposed to be 20+ mph winds. Would make for a rough day at the park.

Yeah I just got slammed here outside of San Antonio. Had to duck into cover quick, the hail sounded awful against the hard top.
Yeah I just got slammed here outside of San Antonio. Had to duck into cover quick, the hail sounded awful against the hard top.

Damn that sucks, luckily we haven't gotten any hail or much rain for that matter. But with the temperature and winds tomorrow being at HF would have been rough.
Damn that sucks, luckily we haven't gotten any hail or much rain for that matter. But with the temperature and winds tomorrow being at HF would have been rough.

Yeah I just got slammed here outside of San Antonio. Had to duck into cover quick, the hail sounded awful against the hard top.

Pretty good rain in downtown Houston, with some hail too. Didn't get much rain here, compared to what they got downtown.
I was wondering too. I see a 10% chance of rain on Saturday, and 80% on Sunday. I'm still up for coming down, at least for Saturday.
Take pics and post them up guys! I can't wait until all this wrenching is done on my jeep! I'm ready to get back out there
Take pics and post them up guys! I can't wait until all this wrenching is done on my jeep! I'm ready to get back out there

Will do, I'm make taking pictures a priority, if I have someone roll out there with me I'll do more spotting and taking pictures then I'll do driving.
Sadly we got a good amount of rain last night so hidden falls may be muddy. Just wanna give anyone the heads up. But should still be a good time, I may just stay off the super muddy trails.
Take pics and post them up guys! I can't wait until all this wrenching is done on my jeep! I'm ready to get back out there

Ill try, but i usually lose track of time and forget to take pics :bleh:
Sadly we got a good amount of rain last night so hidden falls may be muddy. Just wanna give anyone the heads up. But should still be a good time, I may just stay off the super muddy trails.

Seeing as how sunny its going to be today and tomorrow. Im hoping it will dry up enough to not have huge puddles. Maybe more clay than anything. We'll see
Will do, I'm make taking pictures a priority, if I have someone roll out there with me I'll do more spotting and taking pictures then I'll do driving.

We NEED to wheel together! I always do wheeling, and forget about pics, you forget about wheeling and take pics :thumb: it's ment to be
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