COUNTDOWN to the Final JKX : MOBY Rides Again

Being that the JKX is a Nitto event and that this is the final one, Cindy and I decided to be team players and run a set of their 40x13.50 Trail Grapplers. Of course, this is a tire we have run in the past and absolutely loved so it wasn't a hard decision to make. :cool:

Here's Rusty bringing them around back.

Ooo la la!! What's not to like about a new set of shoes :)


And here's the fun part :icon_crazy:

More to come :cool:
Haha should’ve ran Patagonia’s just to mess with everybody. Nice I’ve been considering getting some trail grapplers once I’m coopers are done
It’s almost here!

Looking great and getting close!

Yep - I think I'll be able to get 95% of all the things I'm trying to get done - done. :crazyeyes:

C’mon. We all know there was some peer pressure from little brother. Looking great guys!

LOL - More like, it's always kind of weird being on a Nitto event with tires made by a different manufacturer. :crazyeyes:

Moby looks awesome and ready to take on anything. Had my Kings rebuilt at EVO and just missed you by a day.

Awe man, I'm sorry we missed you.

Love seeing Moby back out and about - one of the OG rigs that got me started on my build!

Yeah, it's been nice working on Moby as much as we have been. Kinda like the old days :)

Haha should’ve ran Patagonia’s just to mess with everybody. Nice I’ve been considering getting some trail grapplers once I’m coopers are done

:cheesy: Now that would have been funny but hell no, there's no way I'd run that china tire. I hate companies that whore themselves out to "influencers" just to promote their product. If what you make is a quality product, you don't need to give it away and use sex to sell it.
I really wish I had gotten my jeep ready sooner! I was planning after the Texas Jeep experience to apply next year to JKX but guess I will have to get a JL and fast trac the build be be able to attend such an epic adventure. I hope you have a great time. I cannot wait for the videos! you and Cindy do such a great job with them.
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