Anyone self quarantined? AKA - the 2020 SH!T SHOW

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Well it became official today. I've got the Vid! As I suspected it's no different than any other cold I've had. Maybe because I didn't let fear run my life its not as bad. Who knows. I'd rather have natural immunities now over the alternative.
I guess we're vid brothers... My test results came back late Thursday night, so far it has been about like the Flu.
Here's to a speedy recovery to the two of you! (y)
This is a perfect example of why the weekly tests would work. Say your weekly tests were on Tuesday’s and you had to work this weekend. How many people are you around? Weekly tests are retarded. They won’t help anything.
Haha I know. The greatest thing is my wife was exposed at work and forced to stay home. She was sick last weekend and got tested it came back negative. I started feeling sick weds and for shits and giggles I got tested yesterday. Came back positive this morning. My wife was feeling better then last night her symptoms came back worse. So far the baby seems fine. I hope she gets it to build her immunity.
Here's to a speedy recovery to the two of you! (y)
Thanks although so far there isn't much to recover from...haha.

I went for a walk earlier today and was keeping my distance from others knowing I'm sick. My neighbor was walking up to look at the baby. I asked for her to keep her distance because I was sick. She said "oh you have a cold?" I nonchalantly said "no it's covid" the look on her face was priceless...haha. I'm still doing what I would normally do just being responsible and not going into businesses or gathering around others. It sucks because we were supposed to go to by good friends surprise 40th birthday party today.
This statement is evident you believe everything you hear on the TV. We have been in a water shortage for the 13 years I have lived out here. This is nothing new.
Actually, I have a friend near Lake Oroville who told me things were getting dramatically worse. Yes, the story is on the news, as well.
And this...
And many more.
I was hoping for some response from the coherent, thinking, members of this forum.
I recently bought a camper from a guy who moved here, from Sacramento. Very nice, conservative fellow, said he couldn't be happier he got out. Said central vally farmers are being completely shut off from water.
Actually, I have a friend near Lake Oroville who told me things were getting dramatically worse. Yes, the story is on the news, as well.
And this...
And many more.
I was hoping for some response from the coherent, thinking, members of this forum.
I recently bought a camper from a guy who moved here, from Sacramento. Very nice, conservative fellow, said he couldn't be happier he got out. Said central vally farmers are being completely shut off from water.
Again it has been like that for years. Every year same thing. There was one year in like 2017 where the damn almost broke due to too much water.
I'm certainly not surprised you are familiar with life with STD's.
I’m certainly not surprised you are familiar with STD’s…

I’m sure you long for examples of coherent thinking, since you are incapable of such discourse…your muddled, unintelligible, incoherent, comma riddled, rambling, racial, disjointed musings are tiring.
Said central vally farmers are being completely shut off from water.
Water in the west is an incredibly complex, multi-layered issue. Like most things in California, management and policy have failed. Central Valley farmers have used all of “their” water; they have sucked the aquifers dry and I expect to see an increase in sink holes and ground collapses in the future.

Except in El Niño years, our snow pack (and snow pack elevations) are clearly not what they once were.

Bottom line though…water, like any finite resource, must be managed and allocated properly. It’s incredibly simplistic to just say that the farmers are getting shut out of water when you aren’t even talking about water that exists naturally on (or under) their land.
Water in the west is an incredibly complex, multi-layered issue. Like most things in California, management and policy have failed. Central Valley farmers have used all of “their” water; they have sucked the aquifers dry and I expect to see an increase in sink holes and ground collapses in the future.

Except in El Niño years, our snow pack (and snow pack elevations) are clearly not what they once were.

Bottom line though…water, like any finite resource, must be managed and allocated properly. It’s incredibly simplistic to just say that the farmers are getting shut out of water when you aren’t even talking about water that exists naturally on (or under) their land.
Like they say, “whisky’s for drinkin’…water’s for fightin’…
Water in the west is an incredibly complex, multi-layered issue. Like most things in California, management and policy have failed. Central Valley farmers have used all of “their” water; they have sucked the aquifers dry and I expect to see an increase in sink holes and ground collapses in the future.

Except in El Niño years, our snow pack (and snow pack elevations) are clearly not what they once were.

Bottom line though…water, like any finite resource, must be managed and allocated properly. It’s incredibly simplistic to just say that the farmers are getting shut out of water when you aren’t even talking about water that exists naturally on (or under) their land.
Thanks for the response. I just remember pulling a reefer in the early '80s to California and loading all kinds of fruit and vegetables in the central valley. Mostly I would go in the winter months. It seemed literally like the garden of Eden, there. Especially for a midwestern boy who had just left miserable winter conditions. To me, food production including livestock should always trump people watering lawns, golf courses, car washes, etc.
I did see a news story where a farmer in Arizona was bemoaning the loss of his ability to grow field corn. I thought the idea of growing corn in Arizona was silly, since I live surounded by a sea of it, grown without irrigation.
Just curious of westerners perspective.
I also disagree with the use of 40% of a nations corn crop for motor fuel. But, I understand farmers point of view. They need a profitable market.
Most newer golf courses and car washes use reclaimed water…farmers and ranchers do not. Regardless, water law in the west is very different than in the east. Most of the mountain states are based on prior appropriation water law. I think California applies a mix of prior appropriation and riparian rights. Again, it is an incredibly complex issue without an easy solution because the resource is finite.
I’m sure you feel terrible for those moose-lim’s…

our mission in Afghanistan was never about the Taliban…it was about destroying Al Qaeda and Bin Laden.

your a real tough guy hiding behind a keyboard when it comes to a life or death situation…I’m sure youde rush out into the street with both guns blazing when faced with a contingent of well armed and battle hardened Tali’s…

While I understand the oppression towards women there, it was none of our fucking business. We should have left that place a long time ago instead of trying to "westernize" a war torn country. We fucked them with the idea of "democracy" in a place that couldn't support it. The US became afghan welfare over there. As soon a the troops were pulled out look what happened.
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