Old School Cool

He was the OG.
I watched a documentary on him a while back and his story was amazing. It explained how he got the gig to jump the fountains at Caesar‘s Palace- he called Caesar’s multiple times pretending to be a reporter or a fan asking for info about the Evel Knievel jump over the fountain. Eventually Caesar’s Palace called Evel and booked him to do it.

He was truly an original and us kids all wanted to be like him. His swagger stick was actually a flask with Wild Turkey in it, I’m still looking for one of those! 😂🤣
I still walk with a limp and can’t get through airport security after launching my Elsinore 125 of a 60’ ramp
Cox 'gas' powered shit. kids under 10 with cars that went about 50 mph - what could possibly go wrong? These were supposed to be tethered but that was boring - best to run them loose on the neighborhood streets - no telling where TF they were gonna go. fire em up, let em go, and everyone scatter

cox 1.jpg
Exposed propellers? Hell ya. Steal the neighborhood girls' barbie's and stick their heads in the propellers. Stitches ensued. Our parents wised up on these and they mysteriously disappeared from all of our houses on the same night.

Lots of good stuff in this thread already! For some reason reading through some of these I thought of this RC car. Haven't thought of these in forever, I got mine as a hand-me-down from my older brothers. Radio Shack was so good back in the day! Screenshot 2023-08-03 090157.jpg
OMG, I had made and flown TONS of model rockets back when I was a kid. They were good cheap fun and I always looked forward to sending off for and getting a new Estes catalog in the mail.
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Those pos cameras NEVER took a good pic - it was always some goofy shit and a blurry half of something.

Which leads to.....
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