Pee Pee Lucas: Worst Troll EVER

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Ha! You must be a Jerry fan. Go ahead defend your self, from me personally attacking you.

Nothing to defend here. Just don't like idiots like you making the rest of us (Texans) look bad even though we have our fair share of whiny progressives just like yourself.
I was not trying to look like a badass at all. I was making the plain point that your statement about "accidents happen" was obsurd. This was not an accident. It was a man who made a conscious choice to do something that very well could have cost him his life... and that's precisely what happened. It was no more an accident than when some teenie bopper gets behind the wheel of a car and can't put her damn phone down and kills herself or some family. The end result may not have been intentional, but every single step that led up to it was 100% deliberate. That can not be argued.

I in no way shape or form presented you in an environment that you couldn't defend yourself just as easily as I presented the case for your thin skin and your soft-boned mentality when it comes to people being personally responsible for their conscious actions.

I am not a bully, I would prefer not to have to harm someone who couldn't properly defend themselves. I prefer to be the one that steps in and destroys the cool guy who thinks it's fun to do stuff like that. But, like I said before, if you truly insist on making this a face to face confrontation, you are correct, we don't live too far from one another.

Man what a difference, too bad you had to pull the trigger on name calling. Too bad we cannot debate the argument on the accident any more because you choose to be a bully. Now it is all a show, like some like to do all day here. Really too bad, I always enjoy a good debate.
Nothing to defend here. Just don't like idiots like you making the rest of us (Texans) look bad even though we have our fair share of whiny progressives just like yourself.

Good you think that way. Have nothing else to say to you. Bye Felishia!
For the record Thardy didn't make this thread for you, he is not a moderator. You are a sharp one aren't you?

I know he didn't make create article, but I know it makes him feel good. I would have choose a better title (for seo). But hey I can work with that, perhaps I can turn it on you. Just kidding, I like you man (dam Internet).
Who would have though..!! My own personal thread, created by you. Why don't you grow some HUEVOS and PM and ask me personally. You scare I'm going to do what is always cowardly done to others (put them on blast). No need to worry, I'm not like that.

Welcome to WAL! We do everything out in the open here and do not delete threads. By doing this everyone can see just how badass you are and it will be forever immortalized on the internet.

In nutshell I'm here for the very same reason you are. See I could tell you more, but you are a child and like a child you rather twist my words, but the offer stands.

In a nutshell you have twice ignored my question. So I'll ask you once more, what is your end game here?
Who would have though..!! My own personal thread, created by you. Why don't you grow some HUEVOS and PM and ask me personally. You scare I'm going to do what is always cowardly done to others (put them on blast). No need to worry, I'm not like that.

In nutshell I'm here for the very same reason you are. See I could tell you more, but you are a child and like a child you rather twist my words, but the offer stands.

Really? This is your response? How about you have the "HUEVOS" to tell me how you really feel out in the open. Why must it be via PM?

I am in no way, shape, or form a child. I have also not twisted any of your words. You have stated that you enjoy a good debate, so instead of tiptoeing around what you really want to say to us members of Wayalife, why don't you go ahead and set us all straight.
Ok Gals... I have to finish this hellish trail, my tires are melting and I have run out of water. Perhaps later!
Man what a difference, too bad you had to pull the trigger on name calling. Too bad we cannot debate the argument on the accident any more because you choose to be a bully. Now it is all a show, like some like to do all day here. Really too bad, I always enjoy a good debate.

There is nothing to debate. Wearing a seat belt is a choice. It is habit or at least it should be. If a person dies or gets hurt from not wearing it that is 100% bona-fide, absolutely their fault. Nothing about that "accident" was an accident (based on public knowledge).
To Mr.Pepe Lucas you rubbed me the wrong way two times before this one, BUT i spoke to a person with in the last couple days that defended you aanndd put his name out there for u in my book. I respect this person as a friend to the highest level, from that i sat back and said fine maybe it was just a chance that you hit my buttons two times. I told myself that i might have been to mean in the situation (happens some times, ya know us Boston asswhole's), and i was going to try and respect your future posts. well we are on page what ever by the time i end up finishing this and i am disappointed, not in you but myself for giving you another chance. As for the friend that vouched for you i still have them as my friend just will not talk about this event. As for this I would ask that you go to the Rock-in Rubicon thread and ask Eddie yourself to remove your name from the waiting list like a man, this will be the first step in my book of your trying to turn your name around on this forum, i dont like to see people leave. right or wrong some times people get mixed up in bad stuff, i would say that you might want to just through a quick sorry out there to some people and put it under the bridge before there is no bridge left. lay low for a bit and only post in helpful topics or when you have a jeep related question. you might get my respect back then and one day wheel with me or some other members.
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Man what a difference, too bad you had to pull the trigger on name calling. Too bad we cannot debate the argument on the accident any more because you choose to be a bully. Now it is all a show, like some like to do all day here. Really too bad, I always enjoy a good debate.

Calling someone a name is more along the lines of calling them a doodie-head because no one is in fact a doodie-head.

I called you a pussy, that is a state of being, a state of mind, not just a name. I meant that whole-heartedly and still stand by it.

Don't mistake my calm, plain speaking as me revoking my previous statements.

You are still a soft-boned pussy who I wish didn't live in Texas... or even the USA for that matter... and this guy who killed himself by making STUPID conscious decisions, still did exactly that.

I am however giving you the opportunity to quit calling me a coward and weak and offering to settle this in person before you get yourself in deep enough that you can't get back out because I will, with reluctance because it would not be fair by any measure, oblige your desires to test your manhood and turn to your wife and offer my apologies and do whatever I could to convince your children that they don't have to grow up to be like Daddy, no matter what that may be (because I've been there).

I repeat, my sentiment has NOT changed in any way shape or form. You are the one that continues on. You are being given an opportunity to shut your mouth, nothing more, nothing less.
I'd prefer not to PM you... that way when you throw a fit a don't have to screenshot anything.

From every single post that I have read of yours I have made a pretty easy inference that you are one of those "guns kill people", "we all need the government to keep us from being obese", "unemployed people aren't lazy", "minimum wage should be 20 bucks an hour", "the minority is the majority in prison because the man is trying to keep them down" kind of dipshits.

People like you drive me fucking crazy... it has nothing to do with your screen name and everything to do with you.

And to get back on topic... this guy's family should probably sue Toyota and the state of California because they are the ones that are truly responsible for this man's death. :rolleyes:

Obama failed to protect this moron from himself. Actually I think it might be called "Natural Selection". Thank god or Darwin that he is no longer able to breed and further dilute the gene pool. I only feel bad for his family. How stupid can you be? Forgot your seatbelt?? I cannot feel sorry for an idiot that cannot take basic precautions against needless injury. Accidents can and do happen. That's why there are protective systems installed in the vehicle. Use them or accept the possible consequences. Tough shit dummy!
I think I might just start hanging out in that thread!

You two aren't any better than this dumbshit.

You knew damn well when you opened this thread what it was. If somehow you didn't know beforehand, you definitely knew when you read it so that you could make your "everyone needs to play nice" post... yet you still decided to make that post.

You two aren't any better than this dumbshit.

You knew damn well when you opened this thread what it was. If somehow you didn't know beforehand, you definitely knew when you read it so that you could make your "everyone needs to play nice" post... yet you still decided to make that post.


Maybe if you were more of an active member you would know what we were even talking about! It was a joke about another thread! Thanks for the name calling though. Always seem to work well!
Maybe if you were more of an active member you would know what we were even talking about! It was a joke about another thread! Thanks for the name calling though. Always seem to work well!

Hmmm... I seem to have missed the part where I called you a name.

If it was just a joke, I am more than man enough to offer my apologies. It's pretty hard to detect sarcasm through typeface.
Hmmm... I seem to have missed the part where I called you a name.

If it was just a joke, I am more than man enough to offer my apologies. It's pretty hard to detect sarcasm through typeface.

Yeah it was a joke back to a thread a day or so ago that suggested everyone on Wayalife needed to be nicer to people.
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