Automatic Transmission Quick Learn & oil amount.


Active Member
Did my auto trans service about 2 weeks ago. At the end I had added about 5.5 quarts (I know hang on) of ATF+4. Everything went smooth & after I got over the "did I do something wrong" jitters of a first timer (thanks to members here!) I settled down.

Then I started to notice some odd behavior. After she was real hot (stop & go commuter traffic) I started to notice some hard shifting around 20-25 mph. She seemed to switch gears a lot between 2-3-4. It was bugging me. So I took her to the dealer this am.

This is where many, including myself, would usually tune out. My dealer is pretty high volume & the service manager actually brought the transmission guy out after he looked over my rig. He's worked there for quite a while and it's a Jeep only dealer.

He said I was a quart LOW on ATF. I told him that I had already put over 5 in and I was worried it was overfilled. Nope, he assured me she needed another quart & he was going to perform a Quick Learn.

What he told me was that the Quick Learn is a service procedure that should be performed after every transmission service. The computer actuates & times each gear shift & resets its timing and programming essentially adapting to how well its operating. I believed him because I know VWs & Audis have a similar system. I have just never heard of it before on a jeep.

Well, my commute to work was an incredible change. She shifted easily through each gear. Up and down on the highway. Mashing the pedal got results I wasn't used to & I was a bit stunned at the subtle difference.

I'll post an update in a week, but in the meantime if you have some rough shifting take this advice with a grain of salt. Everywhere I looked I read 4 quarts as the recommended amount of oil (I'm running about 6.5 now) & I'm a bit shocked. I also never heard of anyone resetting or flashing the transmission like this. Might help you out....
Nice post and one that will for sure help others out.

You need to remember that you're not just filling the sump pan but rather, all the plumbing to the cooler and back as well. Also, when in doubt, you can always check the dip stick to make sure how much fluid you have while your engine is warm and running. :yup:
Nice post and one that will for sure help others out.

You need to remember that you're not just filling the sump pan but rather, all the plumbing to the cooler and back as well. Also, when in doubt, you can always check the dip stick to make sure how much fluid you have while your engine is warm and running. :yup:

I always measure how much I drained out and put that same amount back in. KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid"
In 2013 I almost bough a new Challenger SRT. I read that the automatic transmission and engine are constantly "learning" how you drive and respond accordingly. If your easy on it, it shifts easy and the throttle response eases up. If you start to get nasty with it, it gets more aggressive. I guess the jeep software is similar. Thanks for sharing your findings. [emoji106]
Nice post and one that will for sure help others out.

You need to remember that you're not just filling the sump pan but rather, all the plumbing to the cooler and back as well. Also, when in doubt, you can always check the dip stick to make sure how much fluid you have while your engine is warm and running. :yup:

Thanks Eddie! Means a lot coming from you. 10 months ago I was a total newbie & it feels good to be able contribute something of value to the crew I've learned so much from.

The gist of what I got from him was that there's hitting between those dipstick marks & how much should be in there for best performance. Every time I checked the past weeks I was in the marks. I couldn't see the color & it seemed thin. I assumed though that since I was in the zone I was ok. I'm willing to bet (assuming he's right) that I'll still be in the marks, but the oil will look thicker or different.

I always measure how much I drained out and put that same amount back in. KISS. Keep It Simple Stupid"

Lesson learned here. In retrospect my 8 qt pan was pretty full. Definitely more than the 5 I put in...
In 2013 I almost bough a new Challenger SRT. I read that the automatic transmission and engine are constantly "learning" how you drive and respond accordingly. If your easy on it, it shifts easy and the throttle response eases up. If you start to get nasty with it, it gets more aggressive. I guess the jeep software is similar. Thanks for sharing your findings. [emoji106]

This is how the Audi tiptronic worked too. Pull the battery for 15 minutes & that learning went away. This was different though as it was a service procedure. I'll post a pic of the dealer receipt & maybe the service code will mean something.
As a new convert to auto, I am very glad to see you posting this. Deff something I will have to remember when I need to service the trans down the line :thumb:
I'm curious what that quick learn procedure is. Would be nice to know how to do it.
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