You are an asshole Eddie and an embarrassment to the Jeep community. Fuck you

I see, so in order to be a member of Wayalife: 1. Dont disagree 2. Dont question.

You are an asshole Eddie and an embarrassment to the Jeep community. Fuck you and all your biased opinions you peice of shit scammer.

View attachment 179785

And yet you signed up only to fuel his forum. THANK YOU for giving us something to do today. Now go run along to your other forum and say how bad ass you are. Even better, please make sure you post a link to this thread. Thanks.
I see, so in order to be a member of Wayalife: 1. Dont disagree 2. Dont question.

You are an asshole Eddie and an embarrassment to the Jeep community. Fuck you and all your biased opinions you peice of shit scammer.

Oh my, how original. Please tell me that you came up with that all by your little self :crazyeyes:

Funny how losers like you are always entitled to your righteous opinion but for some reason, mine is always deemed "biased". Clearly, in order for me to be as cool as you, I need to 1. not disagree with anything YOU might have to say and 2. not question anything YOU might have to say. :naw:

I truly feel sorry for you.
I loved his response and thinking on his build thread...."Thanks guys. I had a 4 door and decided to go with a 2 door this time around. The north east is is kinda tough on a 4 door."

What????? So the harsh weather and salt is worse on a 4door than a 2 door? Great logic there boner!
I loved his response and thinking on his build thread...."Thanks guys. I had a 4 door and decided to go with a 2 door this time around. The north east is is kinda tough on a 4 door."

What????? So the harsh weather and salt is worse on a 4door than a 2 door? Great logic there boner!

He's such a weakling that taking 4 doors off VS 2 doors off get's his girly girl hands blistered......

Funny how losers like you are always entitled to your righteous opinion but for some reason, mine is always deemed "biased". Clearly, in order for me to be as cool as you, I need to 1. not disagree with anything YOU might have to say and 2. not question anything YOU might have to say. :naw:

I don't like getting involved in these stupid rants but this is the best response yet, Eddie. It's not just on, this is how our new society works. Everyone is entitled. Everyone has a voice and if you disagree you're a lesser person. You're whatever negative label they can try and pin on you. In your case not agreeing with random people who feel entitled, and obviously know everything, grants you shitty nicknames and ridicule. In general, the humble trait is being forgotten.
I see, so in order to be a member of Wayalife: 1. Dont disagree 2. Dont question.

You are an asshole Eddie and an embarrassment to the Jeep community. Fuck you and all your biased opinions you peice of shit scammer.

Every time a pansy like you gets butthurt they all say the same bullshit.

He's a scammer because he's giving free advice of products he believes in? That not being bias fucktard. That's giving his opinion on products. Don't like it? Don't read it.

And what's this have to do with some piece of shit that has been bought off by vendors ?

Get the fuck outta here.
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