Wicked Wonder Woman Fan Flick


Staff member
LOL!! Check out this badass version of Wonder Woman!! If you can believe it, this is just a fan film, as in, it's not real and won't be made but, if it were, I'd totally go see it...

You can't go wrong with Wonder Woman. But seriously lynda carter in those days was all that!! She was my first star crush as a very young boy.
The link isn't showing for me. = no joy :(

Got it to show up. I guess it didn't like my iPad.

Hollywood should consider running with this.
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You can't go wrong with Wonder Woman. But seriously lynda carter in those days was all that!! She was my first star crush as a very young boy.

Saw Lynda Carter In Scottsdale about three years ago. I think she has a part time home here and went to school here. Anyway, she still looks great!! All natural, I'd bet.:thumb:
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