Heading into the Hills - Exploring Historic Mines in Nevada


Staff member
Last Sunday, Cindy and I decided on a whim to pack up Rubicat, head out into the middle of nowhere Nevada and do what we love doing most - exploring! Specifically, we wanted to head up into up into an area known as the Broken Hills mining district as well as the Lodi Hills mining district and see some of Nevada's historic mining past. Here are a few pics from all the cool things we saw along the way - I hope you enjoy.

On our way out and making a stop over at one of the coolest saloons out in the middle of Nevada - Middlegate Station.

Being that gas or the lack there of would be a problem on this trip, we decided carry some extra just in case. Here's a shot of Rubicat soon after leaving pavement.

Our first stop would be to visit some of the locals up in the Broken Hills.

Say hello to Matt Costello - a permanent resident here since 1926.



After our nice visit with Matt, we were on the move to check out some of the mines.

When silver and lead was discovered here back in 1913, hundreds of people flocked to the Broken Hills and for a brief period of time, there was a hotel, various stores, a school and of course, multiple saloons established to facilitate their needs. Today, all that remains are open stope, deep shafts and a few ruins like this old headframe.




Several deep stope mines can be found throughout the area.

The toxic remains of processed ore.

Like something you'd find on another planet - a sulfury stew still oozes out of the ground here.

Looking out across the valley and all the mines within it.

On the move again, we head further east and out to the Quartz Mountain mining district.

Along the way, we make a stop to do a little dumpster diving.

In 1925, about 5 years after the mines in the Broken Hills played themselves out, a new discovery of silver and lead was found up on the northern end of the Lodi Hills and in an area known as Quartz Mountain. Thanks to interest expressed by millionaire George Wingfield, the rush was on and the Quartz Mountain mining district quickly grew to almost 500 people and a complete town built from buildings relocated from Goldfield and Rawhide sprouted up and in just a few short months. Unfortunately, the deposits were shallow and by 1930, mines like this, the San Rafael were for the most part, completely abandoned.


Back in Rubicat, we continued to work our way around the Lodi Hills an on disappearing trails that haven't been driven on in years.

Nothing to see here... ahhhhh!


Exploring some of the canyons and mines in the area.


Pulling into our next destination of the day, the Lodi Hills mining district.

Unlike the Broken Hills or Quartz Mountain, the Lodi Hills sprung to life in 1875 after gold was discovered at the Illinois Mine.

During its heyday, the Lodi Hills had as many as 100 people living here and permanent structures for saloons, a blacksmith shop, boarding house and a general store were built here. Today, all that remains of the town are a few crumbling stone cabins but as we would come to find, the whole mining district is up for sale.


It's a fixer-upper for sure but this could be the view out your front door!

Hiking up to the remains of the Illinois Mine.

After extracting $400,000 worth of ore, the mine had played itself out and production ceased in 1880.

Several new discoveries of ore in 1905 reinvigorated mining in the Lodi Hills and by the time it all came to an end in the 1940's, $1.3 million worth of ore would have been extracted from ground.


The last resident of Lodi was Chauncey Burt and he died in 1951. Today, his family still owns the rights to the mine and I can only assume it is they who are trying to sell it now.

Back on the move and making our way down what we like to call, a Nevada Superhighway.

On our way back to pavement and with a storm coming in, just in the nick of time.

Ahhhh - Home for the night at one of our favorite hotels anywhere, the Mizpah!


Truly an epic end to an epic day out on the trail!

The following morning, we were confronted with the thought of booging home on the highway or taking a long cut or two. This is the path we chose.

Along the way, we came across a blown motor.


The long path ahead.

More of a whole lot of nothingness.

Changing course and working our way up and over the Toiyabe Range, we came across a few pin stripping machines.

Up on top of the summit!

If you can believe it - THIS is still Nevada.

On the backside of the mountains, we hopped back onto pavement and made our way back home before it got too dark again. I hope you enjoyed following our adventures exploring the hills of Nevada :cool:
As everyone has said, thanks for sharing. I appreciate as I have never been out that way and have only seen what most see. I much prefer what few see, which is almost always where the real history lies. That, and I am just floored by the open space. I am much more used to what you called the "pin-striping machines".

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Awesome trip

That looks super fun, have you guys so easy lot of research on the places you discover? This is what I call getting out, and thanks for the pictures information.
Two things

1. That oozing oar and sulfer is creepy looking and looks like something you would see in a movie or another planet as you stated
B. Rubicat looks badass on the 40's!
And 3. Thanks again for sharing your adventure! Looks stunning out there!
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