Missing persons


I don’t know where to post this, it’s a very unusual circumstance that I wouldn’t wish on anyone.
My wife Joanna Jackson is missing. She was supposed to pick up our daughter for a doctors appointment and never showed up. She was last seen at our house at around 10:30am and hasn’t been heard from or seen since. She left her phone at home and didn’t have any credit cards or an ATM card, she had very little cash with her. She’s driving a 2011 Hyundai Sonata that is light blue, license number 6PNW976. There was only a half tank of gas in the car. We live in Northern California, Oroville to be exact. If you see her or have seen anything, please message me.IMG_0592.JPGIMG_0591.JPG

Typed by my very own fat fingers on my iPad or iPhone.
Thank you all for the well wishes. It was such a relief that she was found safe. I never want to go through this again.

Typed by my very own fat fingers on my iPad or iPhone.
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