Advance Adapters order Fail - RESOLVED

Hang on a sec, I can see you're pissed but I have to think this is just simple mistake. The guys over at AA are good guys - let me see if I can't contact someone for you.
Hi! Not really pissed, just disappointed. It is sad that the "experts" cannot agree and they work for the same vendor. It's called training, presenting a united front to the customer base. If they all agree that the cable shifter binds too much, pull it off the shelves. If the short tailhousing does not holdup, according to Matt, pull it off the shelf!
When I managed a parts store, we had meetings and set forth our agenda so all sales members were on the same page. We did everything we could to enhance the confidence of our customer base. I personally did not want to lose one customer, ever. Even difficult people were welcome, some ended up being pretty good customers.
I will wait and let you talk to them if you wish. The owner/manager needs to know how confused his sales people are. At this point, I do not know which guy was correct or who to trust. I guess I just expected too much!
The money is a small part of the issue. The conflicting salesmen are the main issue.

I'd hate to see you pissed. It would be a five page affair.
How bout share the results of what's best so we can all be educated too and get something out of this; cable vs. mechanical, etc ...
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