After Almost 30 Years...

Just thought I'd post an update regarding my smashed phone. As some of you know, I recently got a new number to reflect where live (this as opposed to socal where I used to live) and since that time, I had not made a phone call or talked to someone who had called me. Because of the new number, the company who provides insurance denied my claim essentially stating that my phone didn't work. Never mind that I have used it to send and or receive texts, phone calls is what they wanted to see because clearly, that's the only purpose of a phone these days. :rolleyes: Anyway, I asked if I made a call and or talked to someone using my phone, would they accept my claim and they did say they would review it again. As luck would have it, in spite of all the damage, my phone does still work and so that's what I did. I called Cindy, I had her call me and I even called the insurance company and then I filed a new claim. Hoping they'll honor it this time especially being that I've been paying into it for as many years as I've owned an iPhone.

I won't hold my breath but... wish me luck.
What an absolute joke. God forbid they actually honor a service you pay for.
What an absolute joke. God forbid they actually honor a service you pay for.
Not just a service that I pay for but one that I've been paying into on 2 phones and for over 15 years. I was totally honest with them, admitted what I did and tried explaining that if they checked the serial number, they would see that my busted phone had been insured since getting it. To this, they said "phone numbers" are insured and not the serial number printed on the phone itself. How completely stupid is that. :rolleyes:
Okay, so I filed a claim online soon after posting my update and surprisingly, it actually went through. Last time, I just got an error page telling me that I needed to call. Anyway, I just got an email from the insurance company, again and as before, it said to give them a call. :rolleyes: Needless to say, that's what I did and after going through all the automated BS, I waited and waited and waited some more and with nobody ever picking up the line or even background music to listen to. So, I called again and this time, I got through and had to speak with someone that I cold barely understand. After going through the same 20 questions as before, I got put on hold for a while and when the gal came back, she said that they couldn't honor my claim due to my phone not working. To this, I let her know that wasn't true and that if she looked, she would see that I made several calls this morning. Once she verified this, she sent me a text - on the broken phone and thankfully, I was just able to make out the 6 digit code sent LOL. Anyway, long story short, I was emailed a new link to fill out a bunch of the same stuff I already filled out and was told that it would be reviewed and that I should wait about 3 hours for an answer. As in, they may still reject my claim. :rolleyes:

Insurance for anything is such a joke.
So are you going to reup on the insurance or warranty with your new phone? 😂
Not if they aren't going to help me with this claim 🤪

So, no lie, each and every time I've called these guys, the rep in question always made sure to stop me before hanging up and to ask, "can I interest you in signing up for our complete home device protection plan?" Like really?? You're telling me how useless your insurance on my phone is but want me to sign up for more useless insurance?? 🤦‍♂️
Okay, in spite of being told that I would be getting a call from the insurance company and within 3 hours, I've heard nothing from them and it's the end of the day. I checked my online status and saw that I had an option to "Resume" my claim, as in, it's no longer being processed. So, I clicked on the resume and got a message saying that it can take up to 24 hours for them to review my case.

Why do I feel like I'm being given the run around? :rolleyes:
Okay, in spite of being told that I would be getting a call from the insurance company and within 3 hours, I've heard nothing from them and it's the end of the day. I checked my online status and saw that I had an option to "Resume" my claim, as in, it's no longer being processed. So, I clicked on the resume and got a message saying that it can take up to 24 hours for them to review my case.

Why do I feel like I'm being given the run around? :rolleyes:
They could at least pull your hair.

Oh you said runaround not reach around.
I didn’t realize so many people actually bought that. I just be the only one that doesn’t have it. Any insurance I can get rid of I will. There is a reason why they are for profit.
For the most part, I do too. I just know so many people and have seen so many phones break or get lost or get dropped in a toilet, I figured that I might too. Starting to have real second thoughts about it now.
Think the price is pretty minimal but I'm the guy that would cancel it, take two steps and somehow break it.
Kinda what happened to me. Changed my number and ran over my phone within a week or two of doing it. Being that I didn't make any calls or receive any after the move, insurance decided that my phone was busted before I made the claim and is now giving me shit. Just my luck.
Same. I never buy warranties or insurance for anything. They are very pushy about it with phones at att then look at my like I’m crazy for declining it.
Same. The number of warranties companies sell massively outweighs the number of claims actually filed by consumers. Just taking people's money realistically. I can understand insurance for the iPhones honestly, damn things are a fucking grand plus nowadays! I currently only pay insurance on the Jeep lol, but only because I have to...
LOL - and the drama continues!

Finally got an email from Asurion, the insurance company and it stated that I needed to call them. And I have to say, this is so fuckin annoying being that I already know this means they're denying my claim but are making me sit through automated message after automated message telling me how fast and easy it is to use their website to get things done and then wait and wait and wait some more to finally talk to someone! Anyway, I get to a gal named Antoinette and she's nice but ultimately tells me... wait for it... tells me that my claim has been denied - SURPRISE!!

So, what's the deal this time? Well, she said that my phone hasn't had any air time since it had gotten insured - essentially, the same shit that I got the last time around. I explained this wasn't true and that if they looked, they will see that I have made and received a number of calls including ones to Asurion. To this, she said that the adjuster looked at my previous claim and just went off of that. After trying to encourage her to have them check again, I also reminded her that my phone had ALWAYS BEEN INSURED since the day I bought it 2 years ago and that the ONLY THING that changed, was the phone number associated with it. I explained what the previous number was and surprisingly, she was actually able to see that on her computer!! With this, she asked me to explain why I made the number change and after getting a better understanding of things, she put me on hold so that she could speak to an adjuster. When she came back, she asked me to verify that my broken phone still works and can receive calls and texts and I let her know, YES! She asked me for the IMEI number and gave that to her and sent me a 6 digit code to verify my account and I did that and... then told me that I could now submit a new claim but with today's date. Apparently, this will allow the adjusters to see the on air activity on my phone and allow the claim to go through.

With all that said, this is the furthest I've gotten with these guys and I'm actually kind of starting to think that things may finally work out if only because, this is the first time that I've been told that I would have to PAY some money to receive a replacement phone - a $248 deductible :rolleyes:

Oh, and once again, Antoinette made sure to try and sell me on the complete home device insurance thing to which I promptly told her NO. When she asked why, I explained that if they didn't cover my phone, there was no way I was going to pay for more of their useless insurance.
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