Big Wheel or Green Machine

Which would have been your prefered ride?

  • Big Wheel

    Votes: 14 60.9%
  • Green Machine

    Votes: 9 39.1%

  • Total voters


Staff member
For those of you who grew up playing outside and would rather ride one of these than play Pong, which would have been your preferred ride and why? :D


Please be sure to cast your vote on the poll! :yup:
I spent quite a bit of time on my Big Wheel and loved it but then the Green Machine came out and I really liked the idea of the rear steer with levers.

We used to get at the top of a hill and see who could go the fastest with the biggest spin out at the bottom potentially trying to achieve the beloved 360! OH YEAH!! :eek:

Man you really had to watch out for the pedals on both at high speed!

I probably still have road rash scars from those years! :cheesy:

Green Machine for me. :thumb:
Green Machine. Hands down the best mechanical engineering marvel of the time. It was much easier to do a power slide with the Green Machine than the Big Wheel. :yup:

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I never got to ride either one. I was too big and too old when they were out.

I like the design of the Green Machine more than the Big Wheel.

I remember seeing Big Wheels set out for the trash all the time. The front wheel half ground off from doing powerslides.

Big Wheel.jpg
ChrisB said:
We had the big wheels, we could never keep the front wheels from splitting in half :crazyeyes:

That's because you we're too hard on the throttle!

I was a big wheel guy growing up. Unfortunately, I was too old/big for the green machine when they hit the market. I sure was jealous of that green machine. Rear steering, come on that is badass!
Nothing beat the big wheel 180 turn or the ever so awesome occasional 360. I think I went through 2 or 3 BW in the early-mid eighties. :rock:
Geez, I'm feelin' old. My son had a Big Wheel but I never heard of The Green Machine. A little Internet research tells me it came out in '68. Voted for Greenie 'cause it's different. Looks like Greenie fans are gettin' our butts kicked.:mad:
Had to edit this post after I watched the commercial for The Green Machine. It had the words "some assembly required" in it. No matter how good a mechanic you are those three words always strike fear into the hearts of parents.
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wow those videos are insane!!! i picked the green machine. i didnt have either, but i remember the green machine.
im still trying to get over the drifting guy on the big wheel barefoot in that one video!!!:eek:
I rode my big wheel everywhere. Would have preferred to have a green machine but my parents couldn't afford it.

I remember my Big wheel didn't even have the main part of the wheel left on it. All it had was the sidewalls.
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