You guys will get a much better WiFi experience if you ditch the starlink routers, it bottlenecks the speed. We have done some testing, something like an Apple mesh of Ubiquity system will give you faster speeds than the starlink.
You guys will get a much better WiFi experience if you ditch the starlink routers, it bottlenecks the speed. We have done some testing, something like an Apple mesh of Ubiquity system will give you faster speeds than the starlink.
LOL - didn't even know you could do that. So, just keep the dish and hook it up to an Apple or Ubiquity and then? Do you still use the Starlink app to make everything work?

And, by faster, mine seems to do fine with download but what I could really use is upload improvements. Uploading videos is really slow.
I finished setting up my Starlink system.

The main router is in the living room and attached to the Goal Zero Yeti 1500X. The Yeti is plugged into the wall and is set to operate between 80-85% charge. This will give the longest possible battery lifespan. As you can see from the picture below at 81% I should get about 13 hours of run time if the power goes out.

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I have the solar panels that can be set up in the yard if the power is going to be out for extended periods of time. Using all three panels will give me the potential for 300 watts of power input. I also have three generators that can be used to charge the Yeti 1500X.

I was able to get surprisingly good satellite coverage by mounting the antenna on my fence post. I was hoping not to need to crawl on the roof. Being an old guy I don’t want to fall off the roof and break a hip. 😂

The Starlink App is really cool and allows you to do quite a bit and provides lots of information. There is also a Goal Zero app that provides lots of functionality.

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I ran the CAT5 cable through a PVC pipe to protect it.

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The cable will go into the basement.
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I put automotive cable covers over the CAT5 cable to provide protection from the sun and abrasion.

After putting everything back together.

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I added a Mesh Router upstairs that links to the downstairs main router and expands the coverage. We get great speed anywhere in the house!

I am really impressed with the Starlink and am super happy we made the switch. We will be able to take this with to Nevada and enjoy it there also.
Nice install 👍🏼
LOL - didn't even know you could do that. So, just keep the dish and hook it up to an Apple or Ubiquity and then? Do you still use the Starlink app to make everything work?

And, by faster, mine seems to do fine with download but what I could really use is upload improvements. Uploading videos is really slow.
You just use the router as a switch, so use a port and connect it to a router. You will need to shut off the WiFi from the starlink router. It’ll give decent upload speeds, not fiber speeds, but decent enough for uploads
With the snow today I checked the Starlink antenna for snow and ice build up. It turns out it has a feature that allows you to prevent build up of ice or snow. On the ‘pre-heat’ setting it draws 169w, on ‘automatic’ with no snow on it is drawing 54w. As long as the neighborhood power stays on it’s not an issue, however if we loose power the higher draw will reduce run time of the Goal Zero backup unit. During the heaviest of snow I had it on the high setting but have since switched it to automatic.

With the snow today I checked the Starlink antenna for snow and ice build up. It turns out it has a feature that allows you to prevent build up of ice or snow. On the ‘pre-heat’ setting it draws 169w, on ‘automatic’ with no snow on it is drawing 54w. As long as the neighborhood power stays on it’s not an issue, however if we loose power the higher draw will reduce run time of the Goal Zero backup unit. During the heaviest of snow I had it on the high setting but have since switched it to automatic.

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That’s a great feature! You could just turn that on before a forecast storm and you’re good to go.
My wife and I have been looking into Starkink for a while but have yet to jump off the cliff. Really good feedback here. Might come in handy at times when we are out for long periods of time with no service in the mountains. Really appreciate the knowledge shared.
Ice storm last night and continuing this morning. It’s not cold enough to ice up the roads but the trees are covered with ice, therefore branches are breaking off and even whole trees are falling across the power lines.
This caused the power to go off a few hours ago but due to Starlink and the Goal Zero power station we still have seamless internet. 😃

When I get motivated enough I’ll fire up the generators but until then I’ll drink coffee and surf porn… Jeep porn that is. 😜


Got some time before I need to start any generators.
Ice storm last night and continuing this morning. It’s not cold enough to ice up the roads but the trees are covered with ice, therefore branches are breaking off and even whole trees are falling across the power lines.
This caused the power to go off a few hours ago but due to Starlink and the Goal Zero power station we still have seamless internet. 😃

When I get motivated enough I’ll fire up the generators but until then I’ll drink coffee and surf porn… Jeep porn that is. 😜

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Got some time before I need to start any generators.
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That’s awesome! Glad it worked out like you hoped! 👍
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