Gay Talk

I'm not surprised you don't have a problem with him admittedly unapologetically disparaging someone. See, when I offended someone, when it was brought to my attention I apologized. And that's the difference between you and I.
But don't think my feelings are hurt. I suffered no delusions. I expected at least one response in his support. I'd be disappointed if at least a few of you didn't all chime in on how I'm wrong in this situation.

If you choose to be gay or support the gay trend you have to expect people to say things you don't like. O and legal does not make it right.
I find this thread offensive. Im very offended by the offensive content posted by numerous offenders, so Im going to take my popcorn, and go be offended somewhere else. Good day. :D
hey if one man can look at another man's asshole and find love - more power to them... ;)

but seriously, you guys had me rollin'... thanks for the laugh!
This has to be the funniest shit I've ever read on here. I couldn't stop laughing. I know gay people. A great friend of mine, an Infantryman in the Army, is gay. He never flaunted it and never had to, because no one gives a fuck! In my world, we care about what kind of man you are, not your sexual orientation.
This reminds me of "equality" for women in combat arms. If they truly wanted to be equal, there wouldn't be a press conference whenever a female graduated Ranger school. They should be just another soldier like everyone else. Special recognition is not equality. I'll end my rant with something I said to the infantryman who came out to us, his platoon, because he trusted us. " I'm not into that, but anyone who is willing to suck my dick is a good person damn it!"
This has to be the funniest shit I've ever read on here. I couldn't stop laughing. I know gay people. A great friend of mine, an Infantryman in the Army, is gay. He never flaunted it and never had to, because no one gives a fuck! In my world, we care about what kind of man you are, not your sexual orientation.
This reminds me of "equality" for women in combat arms. If they truly wanted to be equal, there wouldn't be a press conference whenever a female graduated Ranger school. They should be just another soldier like everyone else. Special recognition is not equality. I'll end my rant with something I said to the infantryman who came out to us, his platoon, because he trusted us. " I'm not into that, but anyone who is willing to suck my dick is a good person damn it!"

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