Giving you guys a chance & here's my wave - "fuck you"

Looks like he's just trying to get banned so that he can tell all his buddies how he was almost cool once. :rolleyes2:

Lol. True. "About 20 years after I was almost a Marine, I almost got banned for almost knocking Eddie out at the EJS I almost attended."
Apparently this is all that he has to feel relevant.......trolling on a forum......attention seeking loser........lame:grayno:

Looks like he's just trying to get banned so that he can tell all his buddies how he was almost cool once. :rolleyes2:

I'm almost convinced he doesn't have friends. This was his pathetic attempt to gain cred and fit in with the pirate guys.
It really baffles me how some people have so much extra time to spend this much time telling others to "fuck off" or "go lay down", whatever the fuck that means. If you hate us all why not go back your pirates.

Wait, that gives me a thought...

Knees hurt
Sore hips
Pirate ship
Ships are full of seamen
Lay down

Hold on, how are we the "fags" as you so eloquently put it.

Grow up, get an adult vocabulary and quit being a douche bag.
"I shipped to USMCSD 080795 from MEPS in Anchorage.

I fucked up both ankles in first phase and ran for another month before calling uncle. Spent another 2 months in medical before saying fuck it and getting sent home after being told I would never going back to boot. 1 more month and I would have had a retired USMC card, my dumb ass at the time went home."

Hey FUCKTARD, I was on Parris Island a year before you and I can tell you that you DID NOT earn your shooting badge nor your EGA within first phase. 1994-1998 2nd MAR DIV Camp Lejeune, GITMO, and 2/8 med float.
Keep claiming that you are a Marine and you will get punched in the face or kidneys one day.
There's a special place in hell for posers like you
Hey FUCKTARD, I was on Parris Island a year before you and I can tell you that you DID NOT earn your shooting badge nor your EGA within first phase. 1994-1998 2nd MAR DIV Camp Lejeune, GITMO, and 2/8 med float.
Keep claiming that you are a Marine and you will get punched in the face or kidneys one day.
There's a special place in hell for posers like you

Well said. I didn't bust my ass to be a Marine just so that washout posers could claim the EGA after only 1 phase.

This kind of shit ranks right up there with assholes that use military uniforms as Halloween costumes. Makes me sick
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Ill flip anybody off, dont think yall are special. I flipped my boss off today.

You have just proved them right, that they, the global they, are right about all of yall.

Go lay down.

I am not sure who you are or what your background is. I am sure you have your reasons for your actions and attitude. I can assure you if one of my soldiers "flipped me off" there would be some immediate attitude corrective action taken. I also was not raised to "flip anybody off". That degree of disrespect to others in general suggests that you have no respect for yourself or are to ignorant to know better. Either way, if I felt like wasting my time I might suggest to you that might be more careful who you flip off less you challenge the "wrong" person. Not me, I am not confrontational and no tough guy myself.
First off fuck you, and its Alaskan you cock gobbling douche bag.

I shipped to USMCSD 080795 from MEPS in Anchorage.

I fucked up both ankles in first phase and ran for another month before calling uncle. Spent another 2 months in medical before saying fuck it and getting sent home after being told I would never going back to boot. 1 more month and I would have had a retired USMC card, my dumb ass at the time went home.

So for almost 20 years now I have had fucked up ankles and hips. My mountain and rock climbing days done. My monoskiing limited. I cant run if I want to walk the next day.

Im no fan of the Palin's, but yall are real douches for thinking Palin said she can see Russia from her house.

With Respect but fuck you, I have my EGA and my shooting badge from USMCSD. Take what ever offense you want, I have personally met Marines who ranked higher then you who feel I met what ever requirements needed to get at least partial benefits.

You can fuck your self there as well.

Your not a Marine not are you a Former Marine, never have been, never will be. You tried and your body failed you. You never earned your Eagle, Globe and Anchor, hence you never earned the title.
...if I felt like wasting my time I might suggest to you that might be more careful who you flip off less you challenge the "wrong" person. Not me, I am not confrontational and no tough guy myself.

Problem here is he is a badass. Nobody can tell a badass what to do or how to act. I see this time and time again. Regardless of the age, if you fail and feel inadequate at something in life, some choose to overcompensate by acting like a badass. Hence, akpostal. One day his tune will change, hopefully before it's too late. But one day indeed.

:yawn: I'm tired, think I will go "lay down." :cheesy:
I'm a Marine too!!!! I know Ive spent more time in Camp Pendleton than he has at his traffic on I-5. I may have even pampered his booboos with my rank of TNCC and CEN (my valor)
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