HALF TIME - Rugged Ridge JK Half Doors for MOBY

So that is the easy way to get a wife to agree to upgrades. She has to pay to play. I like the half doors better. Any video with sound from the inside to get an idea of how much more noise there is?
So that is the easy way to get a wife to agree to upgrades. She has to pay to play. I like the half doors better. Any video with sound from the inside to get an idea of how much more noise there is?

You know, I might have something. Give me a moment and I'll see what I can do.

Every door that closes opens up another...figuratively and literally! :)

Okay, found it. Here's a shot that we took of us passing on a 2-lane highway. It's with us running the half doors so you can kind of hear what it sounds like.

Okay, found it. Here's a shot that we took of us passing on a 2-lane highway. It's with us running the half doors so you can kind of hear what it sounds like.

They may be more noise than with the factory half doors, but if my Jeep had that engine soundtrack it wouldn't matter! Id leave the uppers off no matter what the weather just so I can hear that V8 more! :thumb:
That's just disgusting! Lol. I doubt Mumbo could pass like that if the other guy was sitting still. For the record, I have LS Envy now.
So, we've had these Rugged Ridge half doors and soft uppers for about 5 months now and thought you all would appreciate an update on how they're holding up. And with that, I should make a point to note that we still love these doors and have no regrets as we fully knew what we were getting ourselves into. We understood from the get go that these doors are NOT Mopar half doors but for the price, they would be what we needed them to be - basic protection from the elements and a way to make Moby look great! Having said all that, here's what I can add to my original review of them.

#1 - All the door hinge bolts are starting to rust and we live in an area that doesn't see much if any salt on the roads. If you do, I would highly recommend that you paint at least the heads BEFORE you install them.


#2 - The plastic interior panel is already starting to crack near the front door latch.

#3 - The footman loop straps are a joke - there's just no way to put this nicely. If it's gusty out, you NEED to be holding your door as the strap will not and as you can see in this photo, will blow the stitching and allow your door to hit the side of your Jeep.

We ended up tying a not on them to help shorten up the straps and this also helped them to stay on.

#4 - The rubber door surrounds are filling up with water from the rain (causes them to squirt water out when you close the door) and they have also started tear off their double stick tape on the bottom of the doors as you can see in this image.


I have since been able to fix this problem with 3M double stick tape but, thought you should be aware of it.

Anyway, just trying to keep it real and keep you all informed with how things are going with these doors. In spite of the few issues we have, I would still recommend them if you're looking for an affordable half door solution. :yup:
looks like they might be just what I'm looking for in Florida... minus the wind ripping them from me. But some double sided tape and ill be set for the sudden downpour. Thanks :thumb:
#3 - The footman loop straps are a joke - there's just no way to put this nicely. If it's gusty out, you NEED to be holding your door as the strap will not and as you can see in this photo, will blow the stitching and allow your door to hit the side of your Jeep.

We ended up tying a not on them to help shorten up the straps and this also helped them to stay on.

If you want I can sew some up for you. That's what I did on ours and they work great. Just let me know I have all the materials.
Can you take/post a pic of what you did? I have the same problem with mine. :yup:

So basically I remake the strap. The problem they have is stitch lines. They sew with the tension so all the tension is on 2 stitches tops instead of a proper boxed stitch. I also used 1.5" strap to add to the strength.

I'll see if I can get to them (in the attic) and take a photo. Or if someone measures how long they want I can make one and post it up.
#3 - The footman loop straps are a joke - there's just no way to put this nicely. If it's gusty out, you NEED to be holding your door as the strap will not and as you can see in this photo, will blow the stitching and allow your door to hit the side of your Jeep.

We ended up tying a not on them to help shorten up the straps and this also helped them to stay on.

and this would still be better than pivoting Moby around a rock on the pillar. :D
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