I'm purposely getting banned... because I can't follow the rules

Hey dartmycock, or whatever your name is, if you don't like the rules here then go somewhere else. It's as simple as that.

I can promise you that we won't be changing or ignoring the rules for you just to unbunch your panties.
Boy, the hall monitors are really worked up on this. If someone says something ignorant or breaks the rules just ignore it. Half this forum seems to be excoriating others for not following the rules. By creating a crisis over every violation of the rules, you only draw more attention to the deviants as opposed to promoting everything that is right with this forum. But what the fuck do I know, I'm sure one of the thought police will tell me I'm an asshole. Sorry hall monitors, I don't want to be one of your pretend friends.

Don't go away mad, just go away!!!
People need to start growing up and stop the dam crying about the shit that Gos online shit get a girl friend, get laid I don't know but this shit is getting old.
If people don't like this forum or been here than fuck off and don't log back in

Now here is a bunny
Do you have a list of names you check on to see if they are online or not? :thinking:

Funny, looking at your 16 posts, many of them are you chiming in about trolls in threads like these. Makes me think you may be trolling yourself.

I invite the users reading this to check them out and decide for themselves.....
Funny, looking at your 16 posts, many of them are you chiming in about trolls in threads like these. Makes me think you may be trolling yourself.

I invite the users reading this to check them out and decide for themselves.....

I gotta see this.
Funny, looking at your 16 posts, many of them are you chiming in about trolls in threads like these. Makes me think you may be trolling yourself.

I invite the users reading this to check them out and decide for themselves.....

If I was trolling it would be more apparent then that. lol. I just chime in when I feel like it.
Funny, looking at your 16 posts, many of them are you chiming in about trolls in threads like these. Makes me think you may be trolling yourself.

I invite the users reading this to check them out and decide for themselves.....

I'm here to troll the trolls, i like to call it trollception :beer: :D

Just had a friend tell me about you trolling me. 2700 posts in a year says a lot about you trolling people. I just came back for the drama. LOL You moderators are a joke. Do you realize how many people are leaving or bashing WAL. You moderators give the sight a bad name with your bully tactics.
Let the bashing and name calling begin. LOL it only makes people talk bad about WAL. Which seems to be more wide spread than I ever imagined. :cheesy:
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