Jkwranglers must of had his feelings hurt


New member
Just wondering if anyone knows the back story to jkwranglers on instagram. They have been posting very anti-WAYALIFE videos. Id say someone hurt his feelings a little too much. It's amazing how sensitive people can go on a rant and cry about their feelings because someone probably said something to them that they didn't agree with. Man the fuck up

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Just wondering if anyone knows the back story to jkwranglers on instagram. They have been posting very anti-WAYALIFE videos. Id say someone hurt his feelings a little too much. It's amazing how sensitive people can go on a rant and cry about their feelings because someone probably said something to them that they didn't agree with. Man the fuck up

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Well he is using a copywrited image as his own and based off his photos it looks like he has his own thread here lol! The butt hurt is real
Yep. So much hate for us out there its pathetic. Sad part is they call us out for being Eddies lil followers but quickly run to much bigger group of sheeple like a bunch of hypocrits. They didnt fit in here so they will bend over and fit in anywhere that will accept them. Good riddance

sent from my Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator
Well he is using a copywrited image as his own and based off his photos it looks like he has his own thread here lol! The butt hurt is real

You mean my trademarked logo that he's using illegally?


I've asked nicely to have him remove it and he won't. I've asked Instagram if they would remove it and they won't. Short of taking him to court, there isn't much I can do to stop him from using my trademark which really, makes no sense being that he hates on me so much. You would think the last thing he'd want to do is use a trademark that might confuse him as being me. Oh wait..... :naw:
Does he somehow feel that the trademark belongs to him?

Well, it is on the internet so it must have been put there just for him to take and use. :rolleyes2:

So that there's no mistake, the PROJECT-JK logo which consists of a squared off and angular single image depicting the letters 'JK' bound at the center is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office - Registration Number: 4,918,290. Int. Cl.: 16. Ser. No. 86-708,800. I designed this logo and all its variations and have owned it since 2006.
Well, it is on the internet so it must have been put there just for him to take and use. :rolleyes2:

So that there's no mistake, the PROJECT-JK logo which consists of a squared off and angular single image depicting the letters 'JK' bound at the center is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office - Registration Number: 4,918,290. Int. Cl.: 16. Ser. No. 86-708,800. I designed this logo and all its variations and have owned it since 2006.
I most definitely wasnt suggesting there was a question it belongs to you. Just try to understand why some people think the way they do. Either way he is an Ass Wipe Hole for continuing to plagiarize.
All his page does is post Wayalife hate drama crap, and repost other people's pics. Ironically enough he's reposted some pics of my Jeep on IG, and it has Wayalife/Project JK stickers all over it.

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I have found some of the most knowledgeable kind folks on this forum. And most all will go out of their way to help. I know where to turn for sound help and I like it here so it really doesn't matter what any of those clowns think. JKWrangler and all these other social media drama queens lead such pathetic lives they feel the need to drag everyone around them down. If they want to be so petty that they don't want to wave back or just throw a finger at me because I have a sticker that shows my support on my Jeep then so be it. They feel the need to thumbs down and make a shitty remark on a pic of my Jeep posted up on social media because of a sticker, so be it. Fuck em. No skin off my back. I don't need their approval. </rant>

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JK Wanglers is the type of gal that talks all kinds about how badass they are... Here's a news flash:

If you have to tell someone your a badass, you are really a huge vagina!

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